Chapter 13

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Keaton: now if I were fifteen where would I go in a huge hotel like this one

Wes: the pool!

Tyler: good idea let's go!

(They run to the pool area and look around)

Keaton: I don't see her

Wes: neither do I but I think I see Reed

Keaton: really where?

Wes: over there (points to the hot tub)

Keaton: you think he might know where she is

Wes: I don't even know if he knows her

Tyler: it's worth a shot

Wes: yeah your right let's go

(they run to the hot tub)

Keaton: hey reed

Reed: oh hey Keaton, Wes how have you guys been since the X factor?

Wes: we are doing pretty well and we really liked your ep we heard a few songs and it was really good

Reed: ha ha thanks

Keaton: anyways we wanted to see if you ran into a girl kind of your height but shorter goes by the name skylar

Reed: yeah I figured you were talking about her she went with Carly and Beatrice to the spa... Is everything okay?

Wes: oh she did? Okay thanks reed and yeah everything is going to be fine we will catch you guys later

Keaton: I didn't know reed and skylar knew eachother

Wes: neither did I

Tyler: guys we gotta hurry it up

Keaton: right

(They start running to the spa where they see skylar with the girls)

Keaton: skylar rose pottorff

Skylar: (stops talking to them and looks up and says slowly) hey... Guys...

Keaton: is that really all you have to say

Carly: hey guys!

Wes: hey Carly, Beatrice how have you guys been?

Them: good

Keaton: we really would love to catch up with you guys which we will definitely do later but right now we need skylar to come with us

Carly: ok how about tonight we could all go out for dinner?

Wes: that sounds like a good idea

Skylar: alright then... I'll see you girls later

Beatrice: alright byee

Carly: Byee

Skylar's pov

This was not supposed to happen!! I wasn't supposed to get caught and now I have!! And now I am going to be forced to go on stage with them because they won't trust me alone!

End of pov

Backstage of the event where the guys are taking a break before the meet and greet

Sam: where were you!?

Skylar: I went to the pool and then the spa

Jc: so you left even though we told you no!?

Skylar: yeah so what?

Kian: you are so lucky you could have gotten hurt!

Skylar: but I didn't

Trevor: but you could have and I can't believe that you left!

Hayes: that was a very dangerous stunt you pulled

Skylar: yeah yeah I am sorry okay I didn't mean it

Nash: are you really? Because I don't think you are

Skylar: really you guys I am sorry and I promise not to leave again

Sam: okay tell you what since we ALL have to get out there I am going to let this slide and tell you not to do it again

Nash: BUT if I promise you if you leave again you will be punished am I clear?

Skylar: crystal

Nash: good

(Then the worker comes in)

Worker: you guys are on

Sam: alright

(They walk back out)

Sam: alright so the booths are matt, cam and nash then next to them is hayes, sky, and trev in that order

Skylar: do I really have to be in the middle?

Trevor: yes you do

Skylar: oh because I am not trusted

Hayes: that's exactly why

Sam: and then next to you guys is going to be kian, jc and me and then the rest of the boys alright let's get out there

(They go and sit down)

Skylar's pov

To say that there were so many screaming girls was an understatement! And the things they came up with and said was just disgusting! Don't get me wrong most of the fans were decent but the others were just vulgar.

End of pov

(A fan walks up to their booth)

Hayes: hi! what's your name?

?: Sara

Trevor: that's a beautiful name

Sara: thank you

Skylar: so would you like a picture?

Sara: yes!

(They all stand up and take a picture with the phone)

Skip meet and greet

Skylar's pov

So after what seemed like an eternity the meet and greet finished and we were back in the hotel room.

End of pov

Kian: hey guys the girls just got here to the hotel and they want to go out tonight

Sam: yeah sure

Skylar: you mean your girlfriends?

Sam: yeah

Kian: they are downstairs I told them we would meet them down there so let's get ready and go

Sam: okay

(They all go get ready and then come back)

Sam: skylar trevor and hayes are in charge you guys can get room service for dinner and we will be back later

Skylar: are you guys going to a club?

Sam: you don't need to know that now I love you please behave you know what will happen if you don't

Skylar: yeah yeah love you to

Trevor&hayes: bye

Guys: bye

(They leave and skylar, hayes and trevor stay)

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