I'm Pretty Sure That's A Rainbow

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Our story starts in sixth period the class subject is BIO, or more commonly referred to as Biology. The day of the week is Friday and there are 10 minutes till the bell rings. The classroom is filled with 31 frenzied freshman and a rather grumpy teacher, extremely excited to exit the classroom and get ready for the school's *American* football game against their rivals. Personally I've never understood the whole *American* football thing, it takes hours, the game is paused every few minutes and honestly the snacks offered aren't the greatest. But that's just me one nerd in a sea of thousands not like what I think matters, it what I know that does.

As stated above the class is antsy and the teacher is tired of his students chatter and apparent need to stand on the lab tables near the back or the classroom. The teacher's name is Mr.Weaton, he is 37, hates his students and loves science. He is about to announce a class project one that he has been preparing for since the start of the semester. He stands from his chair and moves the address his students. "Okay class", he starts " I have an announcement to make that may determine if you stay in 9th grade or not". The class quiets, backs straighten and whispers are silenced as all eyes rest on their teacher.

Mr. Weaton, now amused and almost proud of the fact that this has to be the fastest that he has ever gotten a class to settle. Ryland Alexander Weaton - Stevens, came out at 15 kicked out at 16 met his husband at 18 and married at 19, was honestly for the first time in a long time surprised by the power of his words. You see Weaton was never a petty man, grumpy, maybe, tired, sure, but petty? Never. Or at least until now, because fuck, how much he hated this period didn't even seem to equate to the feelings he had towards the principal and his 'Christian beliefs'.

And okay maybe he should report that guy but that could wait. What couldn't wait was the group of teenagers he was about to unite in hate. You see, Weaton wasn't a sucker, he was an incredible intelligent gay man, and he knew when someone was fucking queer. This revaluation wasn't new, considering the fact that when he met his husband, said husband was about to propose to his longtime girlfriend out of hope of fixing everything wrong with that hetero- dumpster-fire of a relationship.

No, the thing that was amazing to him was that the kids in question hadn't seemed to figure it out themselves, that they weren't alone. But not everyone's perfect, except Mr. Stevens-Weaton of course. So Weaton, the best Biology teacher in this district, came up with a plan. Come up with a project that forces the kids to get to know each other in subtle ways pair them up and hopefully the fire of friendship will start to burn.

Oh ho, how excited he is to ruin the next month of their life's, his mouth about to open, their world about to end. Oh, my goodness he really does love the drama of it all.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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