Chapter 1:

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A/N: I don't know if you can tell but I'm really excited about starting this again! I love writing and it makes me happy. I hope you enjoy.

Beca's P.O.V.

It was a Saturday morning. I thought it was going to be a great day and I was going to go out with Jesse to celebrate the successful gig I had yesterday. I felt an itch on my back and when I went to scratch it, I saw two furry paws in front of me. Since when do I have a pet? I moved around and realized they were my hands, well now paws.

"What the hell?!"

I went to my bedroom mirror and saw a furry little dog looking back at me.

"Great, now I'm even tinier than I was before."

I was panicking. I was a fucking dog! A dog! Of all things to turn into. I've never even heard of anyone turning into a dog. What if it's because they stayed a dog forever and couldn't tell the story? Damn it, I'm overthinking again. Suddenly, I had an idea. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand using my teeth and tried to type in the passcode. Man, it's hard without fingers. I couldn't get the passcode in and of course my phone couldn't recognize my fingerprint. These stupid paws. I might as well go outside and try to get some help. I pushed my front door open, thank God I keep it unlocked. I saw my elderly neighbor Ms. Carson on her front porch drinking her morning cup of sweet tea so I ran up to her jumping up and down.

"Ms. Carson! Help!" I yelped.

She set her tea down and gave a warm smile.

"Aww, hello little puppy." She greeted, petting my head gently. She's so precious and pure.

"Ms. Carson! It's me, Beca!"

"Hmm you don't seem to have a collar. I'll call my nephew and he'll take you to the shelter." She said, picking me up and bringing me inside her house.

Shit. This isn't good.

One long car ride later...

Now I'm in the arms of a smelly employee at the shelter. God, why did I have to end up in this situation? Why did it have to be me? Why am I even a dog? I guess I'll figure that out later. As the employee was bringing me to my cage I saw someone very familiar. Benji from Barden!

"Benji! Help, it's me Beca!"

Benji looked over but then turned around again. It's like nobody can understand me. The employee put me into this roomy cage and locked the door. I felt like I was going to cry. Wait no, I'm not going to cry. I'm going to be tough. I'm a badass and I don't cry. I heard a growl and realized it was coming from my stomach. I had been so distracted that I didn't even realize that I was hungry. I saw a bowl of dog food and water at the side of my cage. You've got to be kidding me. I went over to the bowl and took a small munch of the food.

"Huh, not as bad as I thought." I said to myself.

I ate about half the bowl and drank some of the water before returning to my tiny dog bed in the corner.

"Aww, babe look at that one! She's so cute!"

Wait a second. I've heard that voice before...

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