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Roxanne's alarm went off waking her from a peaceful sleep. Once she was fully awake she remembered the events of the prior night. Remembering that she had to close the storefront for the day, she called her building manager, Hayden and had him fashion a sign saying that they would be closed for the day but would resume normal store hours tomorrow.

After Roxanne was finished with her phone call, it was time to feed Midus; he was staring at her with his "feed me "eyes. Walking over to where she kept Miuds' food he followed weaving in and out of her legs as she made her way over to his food. After Midus was fed Roxanne made her way into the living room where her aunt Marci was already awake and watching the morning news.

"Good morning Roxi dear, how are you feeling this morning?"

Roxanne looked at her aunt and rubbed her hand down her face.

"I don't know aunty. I'm mostly confused. Why didn't you tell me what I was when I was younger?"

Marci turned the TV off, "Well your powers wouldn't manifest without the ring, and they couldn't appear until you had the ring." Marci said pointing to the ring that laid so perfectly on Roxanne's finger. With a confused look Roxanne's eyes wandered to her hand.

"What do you mean?"

Marci took a moment to collect her thoughts so she could clearly explain the reasoning to her niece.

"Well every young witch's powers are linked to a specific heirloom that's passed down from generation to generation, now the ring only awakens the powers it doesn't hold your powers. Anyway both your mother and father had one. Your mothers was to go to their girl and if she had a boy your father's ring would have gone to him. It holds the enchantment to like I said it only activates your powers. When your mother was found her ring- your ring was nowhere to be found and they never caught the person who killed her so we decided to do what was necessary to keep you safe."

Marci paused for a moment before continuing, "So we sent you with the Ramos' they were a good fit because they know about the supernatural world, but they could also keep you safe. Have you blend in with every other mortal kid you were around. We didn't know at the time if you were going to be targeted by whoever killed your parents." Roxanne took a seat on the couch and began mindlessly playing with the ring on her finger.

"So what's my real last name since the Ramos' aren't my birth parents?"

"Well, your family was somewhat tied into royalty. Your given last name is Dagewood... your father was a part of a royal family who he left to be with your mother. Your full birth name is Roxanne Juliet Dagewood." Roxanne's brow furrowed "Dagewood why does that sound so familiar?"

Marci looked at Roxanne, "Maybe you read it on the welcome sign, and it says formally historical Dagewood in small lettering at the bottom of the sign. That was before they were hunting us again. We thought that we were safe but they never stopped hunting us. We all had to flee here right after the murder of your parents. Then they changed the name of the town to what they saw fit after we all left."

Roxanne looked at her aunt perplexed "So you're telling me that I moved home without even knowing it." Marci smirked "This place calls to all of us niece. It's the place of our beginning this town was home to our ancestors. My generation was the last to grow up here." Marci paused and looked at her niece seriously. "After your mother passed away and your father was nowhere to be found there was a string of murders, people of our coven were slaughtered in their homes at night. The officials believed that it was the mortals doing the slaughtering, so we all fled. That's another reason why we were so close to you growing up we needed a safe place just like you."

Roxanne let everything that her aunt had told her sink in for a moment, along with everything else she's had to face this week. She found a ring that awoke her powers and connected her to a life she barely knew, seeing a dead body and finding out her birth parents were murdered and her father was never found just put the cherry on the crap pie that was her life as of late. She still hasn't come to terms with the fact that she's not who she thought she was and then there's the fact she's been a witch and she never knew; her head was starting to ache. Once she cleared her mind of all the mess she looked up at her aunt who just happened to be preparing her famous calming tea, the same kind she sent Roxanne every month.

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