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"Alright guys, once this is put up we need to leave." Marni said as she was trying to place the banner. "Black Friday is right around the corner so we need to get it just right." Roxanne said her perfectionist side peeking out of the shadows. "Okay it's centered. Right there." Roxanne said as the placed the banner. Marni and Nova came off their ladders to admire their hard work. "Alright, it looks good." Nova said and Roxanne nodded in agreement, turning she went to find Hayden.

"Hey, are you going to be okay here by yourself until the others arrive?" She asked giving him a chance to have some help. "Yeah the others will be here in five minutes, It's nothing I can't handle." he replied and Roxanne smiled and thanked him as she grabbed her things so she could leave. "Alright, shall we leave now?" Marni said as Roxanne walked out of the back room and she nodded.

"Oh Roxi, did Luke talk to you yesterday?" Marni asked as she and Roxanne walked to their cars. "Oh, yeah. Are they already here?" Roxanne asked curiously. "No, not yet. They're supposed to be arriving in like half an hour." Marni replied.

"Okay well, when they arrive have Luke bring them by the compound. We have our training in an hour anyway." Roxanne said unlocking her car door and putting her things inside. "Who are you guys talking about?" Nova asked as he came up behind them. "Oh apparently Luke's sister and some of her friends are supposed to be moving back here to Falls Creek." Roxanne replied, then she turned to Marni "Oh, could you also let Luke know to use a charm so they don't know where our coven house is, just to be safe until everyone votes." she said.

"Okay well, that sounds fair to me. Our safety comes first." Marni said understandingly as she shot Luke a text message to let him know. "Looks like he sent back a thumbs up, so I think we are good." Marni said with a smile. "Okay, well I will see you guys at the Manor in about an hour." She said as she got into her car.

Marni and Nova both waved as she pulled off, her ride home was a short one. When she pulled up to her house Midus was waiting for her on the porch which was strange because he was almost never outdoors. "What is it Midus?" Roxanne asked and he meowed in response and looked towards the door like he was trying to warn her about something.

She opened the screen door and let Midus back into the house. "Marci, did you put Midus outside?" She asked unhappily, and that's when she heard chattering in the kitchen. She made her way through the house until she was standing in the kitchen. There were people everywhere, immediately her blood began to boil. She usually is an easy going person, but this was her house and there were a bunch of people that she didn't know standing in her kitchen.

Her eyes moved from person to person seeing if there was actually anyone that she knew in the group. After she scanned the room she realized that most of these people she had never seen a day in her life, and for some reason they were all standing in her kitchen.

"Excuse me." She said trying to grab their attention, "Excuse me!" She said louder and still nobody acknowledged her presence which made her even angrier. Since no one was paying her any attention she decided she would make herself heard, "Amplifico."

"Hello, who are you people? And why are you all in my kitchen?" She asked and abruptly everyone stopped talking and turned to face her. "Well, why are you all here?" She asked again, her blood boiling. Willa came from the back of the kitchen to stand in front of Roxanne, "Do not fret child these are allies." Willa said trying to calm Roxanne.

Roxanne took a deep breath trying to calm herself before speaking, "Okay, well that still doesn't answer why all these people are in my kitchen" she said trying to keep her anger at bay as Roman and Marci walked into the kitchen with surprised looks on their faces.

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