Chapter 13 - Title Cards

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"How's it hanging, JJ?" Chase asked, striding into Jameson's apartment with a bro-like swagger.

Jameson, of course, was mute. Anti's attack had made sure of that... so, in the aftermath, he and the other egos had been honing their sign language to communicate. In the meanwhile, to help with anything he didn't know already, JJ had begun a habit of keeping pocket notebooks with him, and had tucked mini whiteboards around his apartment.

I'm fine, Jameson signed. That much was simple; a few taps of the thumb against his chest, fingers splayed out like a fan. Then, he brushed his knuckles together and pointed back to Chase. How are you?

"Heh," Chase replied, hanging his cap on a coat hook just inside the door. "Been better, been worse. I could be Jack... so, y'know. Can't complain."

Jameson smiled. He gestured again, nodding his hand twice toward the ground. Yeah. Then, he licked his teeth thoughtfully, motioned for Chase to wait, and fished a whiteboard out of the space behind his couch. Holding the marker's cap between his teeth, he scribbled,You worried about Halloween?

Chase winced, and for a moment, it felt as though something cold had dropped into his stomach. "Oh, god. You know, I completely forgot." He laughed nervously, and scratched at his beard. "Ahh... yikes."

Jameson nodded sympathetically.

"It would probably be best for Jackie to handle the Halloween special, right?" Chase continued. "I'm not the right person for that job."

Jameson glanced around, looking antsy. As a performer, he had always made use of body language. Even without speaking a word, his emotions were generally quite apparent- a saving grace, Chase thought, in the aftermath of Anti's attack.

Finally, Jameson pointed to himself, with a hopeful gleam in his eyes.

Chase paused. "You want to do the Halloween special?"

Jameson nodded eagerly, though his smile was timid. Chase paused, considering the suggestion.

They have never seen me, Jameson signed. What better time to introduce myself than Halloween?

Halloween, Chase noted, was a gesture like peek-a-boo. Like closing a mask and opening it again. "You could stay in your regular clothes," he added, nodding at Jameson's dapper vest and bow tie. "They make kind of a great costume...

You could edit in a voiceover, Jameson added. He was scribbling on the board again. It might be tricky, but...

"No need," Chase shrugged, beaming as an idea came to him. "We could just add some 1920s style title cards."

Jameson's eyes lit up. Yes! he signed energetically.

"We'll have to keep Jackie on standby in case anything goes wrong," Chase added. "But I like this idea. I like it a lot, dude."

Do you think Jackie will agree? Jameson signed.

"I think he'll come round. You're a hard man to say no to," replied Chase with a laugh. He clapped Jameon on the shoulder. "And with a little luck, and a little caution, we'll have a good Halloween!"

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