Chapter 19 -Let's Start the Show!

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Chase slid into the kitchen in his socks, holding the pumpkin over his head. "Y'all ready for this? Da na na na na-"

"Chase, shut up!"


Jackie was struggling with the camera settings as Jameson arranged the table. Chase handed the pumpkin off to Jameson, who signed, How's this look?

"Looks great, JJ," Chase replied with a nod. There were pumpkins clustered around the corner of the table with a set of black candlesticks. All of Jameson's tools were laid out on the table in front of him, and a black and white cloth was draped over it as well.

"Don't forget," Jackie added. "Chase is doing the intro, posing as Jack. Then, he'll gesture to you, Jameson, and you guys can switch spots."

Jameson nodded. Okie dokie!

Chase was humming Spooky Scary Skeletons now, and dancing a little as he adjusted the camera. Jackie was irritated, but it was good to see Chase so excited about something again.

And besides, they would do well to keep their fears at bay, on this day especially. Anti be damned. Marvin be damned. Jack's coma be damned. They could pull this off; Jackie was sure of it. Chase stepped away from the camera and walked back around the table.

"Ok!" Jackie said. "Anything else we need, or are we good to start filming?"

Jameson shook his head, and Chase followed suit. "I think we're good to go, bro."

"Alright, then, quiet on set!" Jackie announced, raising a hand as Chase slipped into the chair behind the table. Jameson, waiting just out of frame, was bouncing from one foot to the other. "3, 2, 1...action!" Jackie pointed at Chase.

WHAPSHH! "TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIES! MY NAME IS J- oh, god, it's really loud in here... Sorry," Chase winced. "I didn't exp- well, I expected it to be loud, but not this loud..."

Jackie shook his head behind the camera, laughing to himself. Keep going, he mouthed to Chase.

"Eeugh, I'll just quiet down a bit," he said, with a smirk. "MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE!" He roared, not at all quieter. "And happy Halloween! It's spooky scary time! Which means that a lot of good-"

Chase paused, and Jackie jumped back from the camera. What?! Jackie thought, staring at the viewfinder with horror.

"Oh, god," Chase muttered, looking around. "Oh, god, what's happening?"

Jameson? Jackie thought, looking up at the performer. He was holding onto his pocket watch, looking Jackie straight in the eyes.

Let's start the show, Jameson signed, with a grin.

Then he vanished.

Chase hit the floor.

The chair and table were gone, along with everything on it.

He Doesn't Talk Much - Jacksepticeye Egos FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora