Part 2

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Jisung wasn't exactly sure how it happened. Well, he was aware of it all the whole time, but the brutal assault of his senses blurred everything that wasn't Lee Minho, his body, his need for dominance and control.

But, Minho remembered every slight detail, every touch, every kiss Jisung lay on his shoulders and how it felt. So, since Jisung can't tell the story, Minho will take the reins this time.

Minho POV

I enter the house, locking the door behind me and heading up the stairs. Jisung should really stop leaving the door unlocked. You never know who could come in.

I stop at his bedroom doorway, watching him take his shirt off, unaware of my presence. I bite my lip to keep from moaning. Goddamn him for being so sexy.

I walk in, trying desperately to keep my eyes off his abs. "Whatcha doing?" I ask, looking at the tv. GBF. I love that movie.
"Nothing. Was watching Fifty Shades, then this came on."

At the mention of Fifty Shades, I can't help but take a glance at Jisung's abs again. My eyes linger on them for just a second too long, because Jisung speaks.
"What are you looking at?"

"N-nothing." I look away.

"No, really, what?" He has a smirk on his face. The fuck?

Stop asking questions! "God, Jisung, nothing, reall-"

Then Jisung gets in front of me and looks me in the eye. I can smell his deodorant. Shit, he's so close. I shouldn't have a crush on my best friend, I really shouldn't, its just daily torture. The everyday things just hit me all the time. The smell of his deodorant, for example, makes me want to crumple.

My legs shake just the slightest bit from his closeness. "I think we both know its not nothing, Minho," he says. He tilts his head. "In fact, I've known for a while that you like me. You keep looking at me, when you think I can't see you, but I can. Its endearing, really, it is." He reaches a hand up, cupping my face. I gasp slightly at the feeling of his soft palm on my cheek.

"Why didn't you say anything sooner?" The words come out softly, the sensation of his touch taking most of my concentration.

"I liked watching you, to be honest. Teasing you, taking off my shirt, smiling," he tells me. "You'd blush and turn your head, and I'd know you still liked me." Fucker. "But..." he pauses, looks away, then back to me. "I can't act like I don't feel anything for you. Not anymore, Minho, I can't."

I'm slammed internally, so surprised at this. He likes me? Likes me back, likes me?

"Jisung?" I ask. "You like me? How?"
His eyes meet mine. "Can I show you?"
Not understanding what this meant, I nod, slowly. Show me how?
But soon I realize just how he will show me.

Jisung brings his hand down off my cheek, trailing my chest, gripping my waist with both hands. Then he kisses me. So soft, the sweetest thing anyone has ever given me. Like touching a cloud, an angel's pillow, puppy fur. Sweetly, like candy, chocolate. The best first kiss.

He leans back, smiling at me. "Did you like that?"
I nod. "It was good."
"Well, this next one will be fucking great."

At that, Jisung brings his mouth hard on mine, all cuteness and softness gone. A gasp opens my mouth, and he takes advantage of that, his tongue entering the space. I start to kiss back feverishly, pouring all the years of love for him into it, twining my hands into his silky hair and jumping onto his waist when he lifts me up. He drops me backwards onto his bed, straddling me and continuing the kiss, the fire on my skin never stopping, never ceasing its burn wherever he touches.

"God, I wanted this for so long," he murmurs, brushing kisses on my jawline, my neck. "Never thought I'd have the courage to do it." He starts sucking a hickey on my neck, making me moan.

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