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im sorry

Bakubabe's POV-

I go to the door of my boyfriend's dorm. Ex-boyfriend's dorm.

What are you saying, Katsuki! It's not even his dorm any more!

I miss my boyfriend.

Two weeks ago, Kirishima became apart of the League of Villains. He did it to save me. I look at the door that used to be his.

"Kacchan? Do you need someone to talk to?" Midoriya says from behind me. I appreciate that he didn't ask me if I was alright, because I'm obviously not.

I turn around and hug Midoriya. I'm too upset and distraught to yell or get mad. I tightly grip his shirt tightly and start to cry. Midoriya starts to rub my back.

"I know, I know. I miss Kirishima-kun, too. But he did it because he loves you." Midoriya pulls me back so I'm looking at him. "He won't ever stop loving you. I know it." I sniffle.

"Thanks, Midoriya." I say, then let go of him to go to my room.

Once I'm in my room, I fall onto my bed and cry.

Just cry.


It's been a few years since Kirishima joined the villains, and I still haven't gotten over it. Every day, I wonder if Kirishima's even alive. If he is, how's he doing? Does he hate heroes? Does he hate me?

Midoriya and I are the number one heroes, and we've become friends. I was actually invited to his and Uraraka's wedding. It was sweet.


I'm slightly jealous of Midoriya. He's married to the person he loves.

Why can't I do that? Why can't I have that happy ending?

Surprisingly, times like this when I'm wallowing in self pity, Todoroki helps me. He's become my best friend.

"Hey, Bakugou? You alright?" Todoroki asks. "You're spacing out." He pauses. "You're thinking about Kirishima, aren't you?"

"I can't help it. Just... so many people around me are getting their 'happily ever after'. You're planning on proposing to Yaomomo, and it's obvious she's gonna say yes. Midoriya's married. All my friends are in relationships." I sigh. "I want that, too."

Todoroki starts rubbing my back.

"I know, it's hard watching everyone else be happy. But, with patience, happiness will come to you."

"Don't you think I've tried being patient!" I yell. Tears streak my cheeks. "I've waited ten years, and nothing!"

"Bakugou, remember what your therapist said."

I take multiple deep breaths.

"You're right. I'm sorry."

"It's fine, Bakugou. This will take a while." Todoroki looks at his phone. "I'm sorry, I should probably get home before Momo starts to worry."

"I'll walk outside with you. I need to get some groceries, anyways."

We walk outside together, Todoroki going to his car, and me walking down the sidewalk to the nearest grocer. It's healthier for me and the planet if I just walk.

I'm close to the store when I'm pulled into an alleyway. I feel the dull side of a knife pressed up against my neck.

"Okay, just-" I cut the guy off by kicking him in the groin, then pushing him to ground. I grab the collar of his jacket, and hold my hand to his face.

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