i watched a movie today
it was hella gay
kept pausing
to laugh
at the gay boy
with the heart
too big for his chest
a raw bleeding wound
- an outie heart-
love a boy
with a heart of broken glass
piercing through
to pierce
the outie hearti watched a movie today
it was hella gay
kept pausing
on the boys face
and laughing
' cause it was
familiari see you
little carrie
i want to say
i see you
with your too big heart
loving everyone that isn't yourselfi see you
with your bright sad eyes
and awkward laughteri see you
with your easily bruised heart,
thinking you're incapable of being lovedi saw a movie today
it was hella gay
and i couldn't stop seeing myself
is that what therapists mean
when they say
seeing yourself
is the first step
to loving yourself
i must be doing something wrong
because i wanted to punch little me in the face
and snarl about how pathetic i wasand after all these years,
i see a gay version of you
and i still want to climb into your arms
even if it leaves me
bleeding on the floorlittle me anyways
she loved you too
Author's note: The movie I'm watching is Those People on Netflix. I identify so hard with Charlie, it's fucking ridiculous.
'Everybody has a Sebastian.'
Love from your favourite slytherin,
carmen xx
All the things she couldn't say...
PoetryTears on her eyelashes Broken pieces of glass Like crystal diamonds Glinting in the moonlight...