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"Yes, yes he did say he was gonna come today." Namjoon couldn't help but groan when Seokjin holds his collar glaring at him further more when another drop of tear leaves Taehyung's eyes. Even though Jimin and Hoseok had bought tons of food for Taehyung to eat, the latter would always deny and thus the food sat uneaten on the table.

The artist sits slumped on one corner, persistently waiting for his lover as his eyes focuses on his fidgeting hands. Nobody utters a word — their eyes on his red faced figure. Yoongi looks around and sees as Hoseok slowly keeps the knife back and the tears of helplessness fills the brim of his eyes. The ravenette sighs. Regardless, the others sit patiently although sad, enough of their maknae's dispersal of now four days. Without a single text or even a call. No sign of him, even if they knocked countless of times on the latter's studio door in his office the door would never open. The music had blasted relentlessly from inside and banged the walls with occasional booms but they had never seen it open.

"Don't worry everyone, he will be back."

"You said that for like a thousand times now, and he didn't." Taehyung's voice is just above a whisper, octaves lower which leads it to almost inaudible. Yoongi sighs with frustration and bangs his fist on the table, eyes flaring.

"He didn't cheat on you Tae, or anything like that. I'm sure of it!"

A chorus of sighs leaves the next moment which saddens Yoongi.

Namjoon, placing his phone back in his pocket gets up in which he almost makes the chair fall but like how they used to, it didn't happen. They didn't laugh. Another chorus of sighs erupts which makes Namjoon flinch and then he is seen turning away. As soon as he makes his way towards the living room door and clicks it open a blurry figure emerges and before he can comprehend the turn of events he is being pushed to the ground as he stubs his toe with the lamp near the television and he yelps.

"Oh my god baby, I was so scared of losing you. Please, Oh my..." Gasps fill the arena when they see Taehyung hugging Jungkook so close and weeping on his shoulder as the younger one giggles tiredly and hugs him back resting his forehead on his lover's shoulder.

"I'm here, I'm here-"

Taehyung smacks his lips onto Jungkook's, moulding himself in completely. Whimpering when tears recede from his eyes and Jungkook's heart breaks at the sight. Eyes go wide and he forces the older to break their moment apart.

"Hey, baby w-why are you crying so much?"

"What do you mean!? You had been gone for four days, the hell I thought you were breaking up with me. That you'd come one day and take all your things away. For shit's sake I told you maybe a million times to not overwork your freaking shitty ass but oh well? Will Jungkook ever listen? NO!" Taehyung heaves, his breathing fastens and his eyes are flaring with anger until he whimpers again, looking so scared. "Did you know how much scared I was?" He says in a whisper.

"Oh shit," Jungkook's eyes turn watery "I'm so sorry Tae, I love you."

"Where the hell were you Jungkook?" Seokjin pulls his ear and he squeaks, caught off guard.

"Oww- hurts! M-my studio obviou- ouch!"

"Four days!?"

Jimin screeches unbelievably.

"The song got deleted when I was touching it up, by mistake. And then I sat redoing it all over again. It was hell ton of work!" He rubs his ear with a pout and looks guiltily on the ground, "I'm so sorry, I had been so focused on the task I didn't even check my phone."

"O-oh Jungkookie, you should have called me at least. I could have helped you!"

"Tae, you were already on work with the commissions. I didn't wanna burden you baby." His voice is small as he reasons and looks at Taehyung whose blank and without an expression. Jungkook gulps.

Surprisingly, Taehyung starts chuckling and then he jumps on the younger kissing him without a break.

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