Chapter Four, Conchita

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Weary and sore from his ride on the ass he finally arrived at the log cabin, it was a welcome sight. He called for Conchita, a half Injun half Mexican slave, he'd rescued from the Medicine Man and his tribe, with a heavy bribe, many years before. She had passed the age of childbearing, in truth apart from a wretched life as a skivvy, she had no value to an Injun brave. This suited Redrock Bill, he needed someone he could trust to look after his place, an aged woman was a perfect fit. She also knew he could be trusted; he gave her a home and the safety she'd never known before.

Until Rue, she was the only person around here that knew of his double life, and the quest he had undertaken, in the name of love. When she looked into his tired eyes, she could see a deep sense of pride that suggested he was nearing his prize. Tears of empathy welled in her eyes, something she was not accustomed to after a lifetime as a slave when any sign of weakness was met with a beating. 

Without asking she set about preparing him a hot tub, something to eat and drink. 

"She asked, what would you like first Denver, the hot tub or your food?"

"Oh, I think the hot tub please, I'm sure I stink and don't have a muscle or a bone that ain't aching."

"Well, you go out on the porch and take a nap in your rocking chair while I get things prepared, it'll take a while to heat the water

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"Well, you go out on the porch and take a nap in your rocking chair while I get things prepared, it'll take a while to heat the water."

"What would I do without you Conchita, if we were much younger, I'm sure I'd be chasing you around the bed by now?"

She giggled and said. 

"You, old flirt Bill, we know that ain't true, but I'm flattered, all the same, I know that woman of yours in New Orleans means more to you than all your gold."

He was soon asleep but was woken by the sound of some young rascals, who'd dared to venture into the wilds, this was unexpected and the last thing he wanted, but rather than chase them away, he thought it better to scare them off and they'd be certain not to return, anytime soon.

 The Gulches young rascals were either stupid or incredibly brave, having dared to wander into the 'Forbidden Wilds', on the eve of the 31st, it was no surprise they were starting to worry. It was getting dark and the air was thickening with fear, the glowing lights of an isolated log cabin were a welcome sight. 

 On its porch, they spied an old man, sitting in a rickety rocking chair, they couldn't see the smoke that billowed from his long wooden pipe but picked up its pungent scent drifting on the rising wind and sailing past their inquisitive noses.

He could sense their fear, and seizing the opportunity he gave them a sinister smile and welcomed them onto the porch and in no time at all, he'd filled their heads with terrifying and amazing stories of the Injun spirits who haunted the forbidden wilds. Emphasizing strongly that this was the reason no one in their right minds, man or child ventured here.

He told them they were the ancestors of the 'Medicine Man', known as Snakebite, this was a name they were all too familiar with, it's very mention sent a shiver running down their spines. He drew them a mental picture of how the ancestors had been slaughtered, by the children's uncles, uncles so they could steal their land, and left their beaten and broken bodies to be eaten by beasts or to rot in the wilds. 

Them ornery palefaces were dumb, not smart like you, cus they didn't know how important it was to make sure their souls were laid to rest in the 'Sacred Burial Ground', and doomed their spirits to wander the 'Forbidden wilds, trapped in the 'Eternal Wind', helpless as rootless tumbleweed.

But on 'Old Hallows Night', at the will of old Snakebite, they return as ghouls, ghost riders snorting fire and witches, seeking out young paleface kids like you, to steal away from their mommies and pappies, the perfect revenge.

With a wheezing laugh, he said.

"Which one of you will they snatch tonight?

I hope you've got deep pockets, full of candy treats or you'll all be among the kids who they trick and trap in the winds of the Forbidden Wild's on this 'Old Hallows Night'.

Never to see their parents again."

Scared half out of their minds, they turned and fled from the scary old man, leaping from the porch and into the night. They ran as if their lives depended on it, running all the way home, where they swore to their parents they'd never to enter the Forbidden Wilds again. He didn't like scaring he kids but thought it was for the best, as in truth the wilds were no place for men, let alone children. 

As they scampered into the woods, he heard Conchita call out, that his hot tub was ready. Like a mother, she stripped him bare and held his hand as this time he stepped into the tub without pants and boots, the water was charged with essence and smelt like heaven. She poured an urn of hot water over his head and scrubbed his hair and beard with soap, easing out the grim, gave him a full body scrub, cleaned and cut his nails.

As adept as any barber she cut his hair and shaved off his beard with an open razor, she wasn't surprised at what she saw, as an incredibly handsome middle-aged man appeared from behind his hairy disguise and found him extremely pleasing on the eye.

She made him stand and wait whilst running a fresh tub laced with rare essences and oils to reinvigorate his skin. With unbelievable pleasure, he eased himself low into the water, and Conchita covered him and the bath in a wet towel, right up to his neck. He soon settled into a deep sleep; the bath was kept warm by a constant supply of hot ashes slipped beneath the raised tub.

He awoke to find all the clothes of gentleman laid out before him, long black jacket and his knee-length carved leather boots that were a gleaming testament to his stature. When fully dressed she slipped an ornate black tie around his neck, adding the finishing touch, to his resurrection.

They sat at a table, where they ate together, she knew full well this may well be for the last time, but still, they laughed and joked about the things they'd seen and done, the fooling of Snakebite and the despatching Redrock Bill, to history.

All to soon the meal was over, and it was time to go, a horse and pony had been readied, his stallion Nugget and Conchita's dapple-grey mare Ghost and she'd packed all he needed for his journey. As the perfect gentleman, he helped Conchita on to Ghost, then mounted Nugget, before riding off to the next station along the line from BG.

He looked long and hard into her eyes and said.

"Remember Conchita, you are family and will want for nothing, this is your home for the rest of your days."

 She knew Barton Denver was a man of his word, and her heart was overflowing with joy as they galloped away from the cabin.

 She knew Barton Denver was a man of his word, and her heart was overflowing with joy as they galloped away from the cabin

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