Secret Admirer

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It was two weeks into school when the 'Secret Admirer' incident occured. It really wasn't that big of a deal, but to a teenage girl who had just gotten her first boyfriend only two weeks before, the 'Secret Admirer' incident was a catastrophy.

The messages started appearing in Matthias's locker only occasionally, once every few days. It didn't really bother me to begin with, honestly, I took it as something to pride myself with. My boyfriend was so devillishly handsome that other girls wanted him even though he was taken. Pretty awesome, right?

It was, for the first few weeks, that is. Eventually it just became an irritation, people always following Matthias and I around the halls and always wanting to be in our group in class or sit at our table at lunch. It's like having a group of dogs follow you everywhere you go.

The notes in Matthias's locker then became more and more consistent, and it became frustrating. And, to be honest, I became jealous of all the attention.

"Hey Matthias," I greeted as I leaned against the locker next to his. He was still working on his combination, after failing it the first time.

"Hey Eira." The locker finally opened up with a squeal and a pink envelope fell out and onto the floor. He leaned down and picked it up, gripping it between his forefinger and thumb.

"Another one?" I asked, irritated.

"It does appear that way." He studied the envelope and then stared at me with a confused expression. "Is that jealousy that I am sensing in your tonality?" I hate it when he uses more complex words than is neccessary.

"No. And if I were to have a jealous tone I assure you that it wouldn't be over some sort of petty 'Secret Admirer' notes that you get in your locker." Matthias rolled his green brown eyes at me with a smug smirk on his face.

"No need to get defensive, it was only a question." He opened the envelope and pulled out the note contained within it. He cleared his throat and began to read: "'My dearest Matthias, you are the most beautiful human being that I have ever met, and your smile has the ability to light up my days. With love, your Secret Admirer.'" He laughed. "How cheesy is that? They could at least try to make it realistic."

Looking back on it now, I think that I was a huge idiot. He honestly did not care about the notes and he couldn't have cared less about who wrote them. Sometimes I wish I could just take my feelings all back.

"Yeah. Super cheesy," I agreed with a total lack of conviction.

As the school day sludged along I kept thinking about who wrote the note. There were so many girls in the school who liked Matthias that it seemed nearly impossible to narrow the options down. It could have been anyone. But who in the world would have the courage to actually put Secret Admirer notes in his locker? And why would anyone make them so cheesy?

I began to factor in all of the possible questions and gather some suspects. It probably wasn't a freshman, considering his locker was down a hallway that pretty much only juniors passed through. So, considering that, it probably has to be a junior. Now that I'd narrowed down the pool slightly I needed to start checking people off the list.

At lunch I payed special attention to all of the female eyes that happened to settle for just a little too long. If I did notice someone staring their name was immeiately added to 'The List,' which was a list of names that could be the so called 'Secret Admirer.' It turned out a lot smaller then I had initially anticipated, which made things so much easier for me.

The List

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