death of a bachelor

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(JC the Caster, raccooneggs)
-so I didn't even really know this was a ship until very recently
-I can't find any content to help me with what dynamic they have
-so I'm using an au where Ezra gets stood up, and JC (slightly tipsy) comes to save the day lmao
-requested by insanelybokuthoe
-panic is fuckin great lmao
-Ive actually been working on covering this, like, playing it myself on ukulele, and if I do, I'm 100% sharing it here lol
do I look lonely?
I see the shadows on my face.
people have told me,
I don't look the same.

Ezra sat down awkwardly at the bar counter. being stood up wasn't his favourite activity, nor was it his first time in this situation. he'd always come to this same bar everytime it happened, not that it happened a lot, but enough that the third time it did happen, he downed a few shots and felt better in no time at all.

Maybe I lost weight
I'm playing hooky
with the best of the best
pull my heart out my chest
so that you can see it too

JC nursed his third beer of that night as he looked over at a boy he'd seen at the bar a couple times over the past few months. he thought he was cute, but never made a move because he was too sober by the time the guy left to say anything.

I'm walking the long road
Watching the sky fall
the lace in your dress
tangles my neck
how do I live?

JC walked over, semi subtly, to the curly brown haired boy and smiled gently. Ezra returned the smile with a slight look of disappointment.

The death of a bachelor
Letting the water fall

"I'm JC"

The death of a bachelor
seems so fitting for

Ezra's smiled picked up as JC sat down next to him and ordered his fourth beer.

happily ever after
how could I ask for more?
Lifetime of laughter
at the expense of
the death of a bachelor

a month later, the two were meeting on a date. after exchanging phone numbers at the bar that night, and getting to know each other a little better, JC had asked Ezra to go on a date with him. No alcohol, so the two wouldn't be under the influence, and they'd have all the time in the world to know about each other better.

Cutting my mind off
feels like my heart is going to burst

Ezra told JC about all the times he'd been stood up over the past few months, how he'd never landed a successful date, until this one.

alone at a table for two
and I just wanna be served

JC then told Ezra about how he'd gone on a lot of dates, but none of the people had been that appealing to him. how Ezra seemed to be one of the first people to really strike his interest.

And when you think of me
am I the best you've ever had
share one more drink with me,
smile even though you're sad

Ezra took a slow sip of his coffee and JC cleared his throat a bit

"that being said, would you like to go on a second date?"

I'm walking the long road
watching the sky fall
the lace in your dress
tangles my neck
how do I live?

Ezra and JC were on their second date at JC's apartment. the two were cuddled on the couch, watching a Disney movie that Ezra chose because it made him think about how cool it would be to go into space.

"Wall-E is Pixar"
"it's Disney Pixar, JC, okay?"
"It's still Pixar"
"But Disney helped!"

The death of a bachelor
letting the water fall

"Ezra, do you want to be my boyfriend?" JC asked nervously, the third date coming to a close.

The death of a bachelor
seems so fitting for
happily ever after
how could I ask for more?

"I would love to be your boyfriend, JC" Ezra smiled happily, his new significant other smiling like an idiot as he beamed and hugged Ezra.

Lifetime of Laughter
At The Expense
of the Death of a Bachelor

clearing this up now, I know a few of my friends didn't understand the concept of "death of a bachelor" just as a phrase.

it means that someone recently known to be available is gaining feelings and emotions for someone and so it's a bachelor that's dying, so they're often closing out their availability to others, narrowing it to one person.

I don't know if the song replicates this, because it could also mean that the dying of the bachelor is because someone broke his heart for the last time and he doesn't wanna go through it again, therefore it being the death of a bachelor.

but that wouldn't make a very good fic if Ezra was mean to JC ;)

also the opinion of my friends says JC is top energy so he made the moves because he said so idk.

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