This is Home

670 10 0

song by cavetown
-not really a fluffy reader thing, but I feel like Toby needs some love. I know her coming out was a while ago, and this song is about a trans boy and she's a girl, but I love the message and thought I could use it anyway.


Toby shut off her computer for the night, the deafening sounds of rain hitting the windows hard. She could barely get any recording in because the mic peaked when it was above -2.4. Translated, it was a pain in the fucking ass.

Often I am upset
That I cannot fall in love but I guess
This avoids the stress of falling out of it

She sighed, getting up from her chair and inhaling off of her fresh refill, then going to the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water.

Are you tired of me yet?
I'm a little sick right now
But I swear
When I'm ready, I will fly us out of here

Taking a swig from the bottle, just in time for her windows to light up, and a few seconds later to hear the sudden burst of thunder.

I'll cut my hair.

She jumped, slightly, not really expecting the noise. Shrugging it off anyway, she went back to the recording room to edit some clips for her channel from the streams.

To make you stare.

She sat down, timely enough for another flash and rumble to occur outside, making her flip and look towards the window, with a glare that (in her head) told the rain and thunder and lightning to just shut the fuck up already.

I'll hide my chest, and I'll
Figure out a way to get us out of here

As if the weather was responding, the thunder and lightning persisted a third time, pissing off Toby as she clamped the headset over her ears and pulled up steamlabs and transferring the audio and visual files from her last stream to premiere.

Turn off your porcelain face
I can't really think right now
and this place
has too many colours
enough to drive all of us insane

Toby drank from her water again, this time as the lightning flashed, she chose to ignore it, giving it a slight side eye as the thunder only became louder and wind crashed the rain against the glass

Are you dead?
Sometimes I think I'm dead.
Cause I can feel
Ghosts and Ghouls wrapping my head
but I don't wanna fall asleep just yet

As she got tired of editing, and the storm subsided ever so slightly, she finished up the last bit of editing at the seven minute mark of her clips and got up from her computer again. She got ready, and slipped into bed, shutting her eyes.

My eyes went dark.

It was like mother nature herself didn't want Toby to do anything but edit. The storm immediately picked up again, and the streamer chose to dismiss it as long as she could, feeling sleep deprivation start to catch up with her as her eyes clamped shut.

I don't know where

My pupils are

But I'll

Figure out a way to get us out of here.

She drifted off into sleep, the loud chants of thunder becoming softer, the rain pattering on the windows became quieter.

Get a load of this monster

Now Toby had time to think.

Thoughts racing, without distractions and without anybody around, it all came back.

She doesn't know how to communicate

She wished the storm would come back.

She wished she had the energy to get back on her computer and start editing again.

But she didn't.

Her mind is in a different place

Will everybody please give her a little bit of space?

She did her best to ignore it, block the intrusive thoughts that filled her head. And for what reason? Why right now?

Get a load of this train wreck.

Her hair's a mess and she doesn't know who she is yet.

Toby finally was able to calm down. The raging silence wasn't as bad anymore. The quiet and calm wind that still carried some force blew against her window and made the soft illuminated droplets of water glide down in streaks.

But little do we know the stars
Welcome her with open

Toby felt herself relax into sleep as the thoughts turned into better ones. Her mind easing into a lulling feeling of happier times. Living on her own had never been easy, and she didn't think she'd get there soon, but in time she knew she could be comfortable here. It just depended on time.

Time is


Tracing her face

But strangely she feels at home in this place.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2019 ⏰

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