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we arrived at school he did what I asked by sitting next to me all day so many fans walked up to us I think they thought we were dating  .... are we NO we just met -I laugh to myself-  "what are u laughing at" "oh nothing" "ok then" I look into his eyes causing him to blush suddenly u feel hands on ur hips they flip u around OH RIGHT its ur boyfriend.... (j=james ur bf the rest u know lol) j:watcha doin y/n:nun talkin to caleb j:oohhh the new boy c:hi j:hi james reached his hand and caleb did the same this is soo awkaward

"hey james could i talk to you in private " j:uh sure" you walk off y/n:james i cant do this anymore....

I Need That Girl (caleb finn x reader)Where stories live. Discover now