teaser o_-

188 5 7

to see-

y/n's pov

to see- a doggie 

y/n:EEEEKKK i love him

c:yea i know hes ours ..

y/n:how is he gonna be ours we dont live together

c:this may have been my way of asking if you would move in 

y/n:yea caleb im moving in 

c:OH THANK GOD i didnt know if u liked the gift... what are you gonna name the gift


c:duh goofball

he said walking over and messing up my hair i sit down at the picnic table in calebs back yard boomer (i named him that bc my dog named him that press f in chat cause my dog recently got hurt and the fur on his paw is ripped off :c ) 

y/n:make me a pb&j peasant 


caleb gets up and i just sit there and play with boomer as the sun falls leaving the clouds a pink color and in that moment i really relized how much i loved caleb finn

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