➳ Chapter 22 ➳

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Oliver picked Felicity up and we made our way to meet the others, where they would try to rescue us.

"Slow down, slow down." Felicity hissed at Oliver.

"We don't have time to slow down." Oliver hissed back.

"Yeah? Well, we don't have time for you to bleed to death either." she hissed again.

- "That's a good point." Oliver said before his knees gave in.

"Ollie! Oliver." I called out as I hurried to their side.

"Curtis, Oliver's down. We need your help!" I shouted.

"Hang on. Coming to you." Curtis answered moving the t-sphere closer.

Suddenly the t-sphere revealed a needle.

"This looks like the Death Star interrogation droid." Felicity said under her breath.

"I loaded it with 20 ccs of adrenaline. You're gonna have to inject that into Oliver.." He started but didn't finish before I injected it into his heart., making Oliver flinch and Curtis burst out in shock.

- "I'm ok!" Oliver almost shouted.

- "Nowhere close, but we gave you enough adrenaline to get us out of here." Felicity added before he grabbed her and walked off.

"Good. Ok. All right." I said surprised as I hurried to my feet and followed them.

Suddenly we heard John call out for Oliver as we reached the end.

"Are you guys all right?" He asked hanging onto a staircase.

"Not really." Felicity answered scared.

Suddenly the lowest part of the staircase fell down beneath him, leaving us with less to get out of there.

"You ok?" I asked John worried.

"Stay there, and we'll figure something out." John shouted at us.

"John, we don't have time! Look. Do you have enough cable to meet us halfway?" Oliver asked.

"Yes!" John shouted back.

"That's optimistic. We only have 30 feet." Rene yelled. A few moments later they dropped the line and John hooked himself up.

"This is crazy." Felicity said in panic.

"Don't hear me arguing, do you?" Oliver laughed weakly.

"Cas, you go first." Oliver ordered.

I nodded and made me way up the stairs.

"Staircase climbing isn't for pregnant ladies." I hissed as I clung to the metal.

"You can do it Cas." John yelled at me.

I finally reached John. Now I only had to jump to him.

I shared a look with him before I jumped. He catched my arm and lifted me up so I could grab the staircase and pull myself up and make my way up.

- "All right. Hang on tight." Oliver said to Felicity before he climbed into the stairs.

"I've always appreciated you doing the salmon ladder but never as much as in this moment." Felicity said as they began climbing the stairs.

"I got about 5 feet of slack." John said as they reached him.

"I can make it." Oliver said determined.

"Oliver, if you don't." John said giving him a serious look.

"I will." Oliver said before jumping, just as the went started.

John catched his arm, but Felicity slipped off his back but he catched her arm just in time.

"You have to let me go. You have to let me go. You have to go!" Felicity cried at Oliver.

"Curtis, cut the vents." John hissed.

"I'm sorry, Felicity." Oliver said before using his last strength to pull her up.

"I know you hate it when I don't listen to you." Oliver panted as she finally made it up.

"Rene, pull us up." John ordered.

We were brought to the A.R.G.U.S. Facility and I was rushed to examination and Oliver was rushed into surgery.

I found the others waiting in a room nearby, after the doctors ran a long line of tests on me.

"Hey. How's the baby?" Dinah asked as she and the others got up from their chair.

"The baby's fine." I smiled at them.

"Any word on Oliver?" I asked turning to John.

"Lyla's checking now." he smiled.

"It's good to see you up and walking again." I smiled at Felicity.

"Yeah. Thank Curtis. He's the miracle worker." She said happily.

"It's just a temporary fix. I'll have to run more comprehensive diagnostics." Curtis added.

"You guys are gonna have to explain to me how all this works one day." Dinah said.

"You really don't want them to do that. Nerdapalooza." Rene said sarcastic just as Lyla walked in.

"Oliver just got out of surgery. He's going to be fine." She smiled happy and relieved.

- "Can we see him?" I quickly asked.

"Actually, he asked to see you." she smiled before leading me down the hall.

"Hey." I said quietly as I opened the door to Oliver's room.

"Hey" He responded softly with a smile.

"How's our baby?" he asked concerned.

"She's fine." I answered.

"She's a resilient little one." I chuckle making a warm smile spread on Oliver's lips.

"You really gave us a scare back there." I said softly walking up to him

"Oh, I figured you'd be used to seeing me close to death by now." Oliver laughed.
"I don't think you'll ever get used to it ever." I said taking his hand in mine.

"But speaking of being close to death, uh I said a few things back there. I really, really appreciate what you said." He smiled at me.

"Any of it stick?" I chuckled.

"Hopefully." Oliver smiled.

- "I'm sorry."

- "For what?" Oliver asked.

"For being a hypocrite. You were right. I should have talked to you, before I just jumped into the middle of things. I put myself in danger. And our baby." I sighed.

"I understand. And, I can't believe that I'm saying this... But I'm proud of you. You handled everything so bravely tonight." he smiled at me.

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