MOTHER IN RED The reasons behind those white lies. written by: Angel Cate Varga

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Back when I was a child. My life was like heaven. I got whatever I like, whenever I want. I was a spoiled brat back then. I have a lot of toys but I never played it, even just once. I don't remember that I shared my toys with my playmates. Because what's mine, is mine.

When I was in highschool, I've been a cat fight, of course I saved my mom because they called her a slut, a prostitute, a sex-worker. After what happened, all my classmates bullied me. And that was the start of my hell life.

One day, I asked my mom, "Is it true?" Then she just smiled at me and kissed me on my cheek, "No honey, don't mind them." she answered.

A year has passed, I noticed that my mom always went home late. That was the time that I'm starting to hate her because she was always busy and even at the dinner table we didn't cross shadows.

I hate her to the point that I didn't talk to her anymore. Whenever she ask me a question, I'll just answer her one word or only one line. I really hate her so much. She doesn't even have time for me. She didn't help me to do my home-works. It seems like she knows nothing. She can't help me anyways so I didn't bother to talk to her.

Now that I'm in college, we still remained away from one another. Like there's a big wall that hinders between the two of us. My dad left us when I was a baby, and mom? Still don't have time for me- I hate them both. I felt like I am living alone.

"Samantha, I am talking to you." My mom tapped me on my shoulder that brought me back to my senses.

I just rolled my eyes at her and walk through my room.

Yeah, that's me. I hate seeing her face.

After an hour of lying on my bed I didn't know that I fell asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night when I heard a noise outside. I looked at the clock and saw that it's already 1 am in the morning. I took a glance on my right and noticed that my mom was not in her bed. We're on the same room, just so you know. I stood up and decided to find her but she was not around-inside the house.

Until I heard a noise again outside the house, so I decided to look for it.

I saw my mom, locking the gate. She's wearing a pair of big circle earrings . A red sleeveless, and short with a small sling bag on her shoulder. She's also wearing red lipstick...

"I thought, call center is her job? Then why is she wearing that revealing clothes in the middle of the night?" I asked myself.

Unconsciously, I followed her.

"This isn't the office of call center." Said to myself while still following her.

Until, I saw my mom getting inside through the bar.

"What the hell she's doing there?!" No way...

I decided to go inside. There's a group of men smoking and drinking alcohol in every table. Loud sounds. Noisy. Crowded. Group of ladies dancing on the stage with their sexy attires.

Then there, I saw my mom at the right corner.

No, this isn't true. I must be dreaming!!

I didn't like what I saw so I went home and get some rest.

As I am sleeping, my mom wake me up.

"Let's go shopping. Buy whatever you want, baby. I miss going out with you." She said in a sad tone while hugging me.

I pushed her away from me and looked at her like she's the dirtiest thing living on earth.

"Where have you been? Tell me, what is you real job?" I asked.

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