Mystery/Thriller - Salvatoria by @Nyhterides

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Today, we are here with Nyhterides , and we are excited to find out more about her and her story Salvatoria, which won 1st Place in the Mystery/Thriller Category of our awards. Let's get to the interview!

1. What was your favorite part of writing Salvatoria, and what was the most challenging part?

My favourite part is the flashbacks Salvatoria has of her father, where they used to watch TV together or their interaction over his hit-man lifestyle. Though he tried to keep his work separate from his child, Salvatoria knew and she admired him for being a killer.

The most challenging is the dual timelines. Also, trying to use the correct terminology for the parts where Sal is with her medical student friends, and they are conducting the experiment to 'kill' her (with an experimental drug) then bring her back seven minutes later. I had help on certain medical stuff from some stellar Wattpadders and dear friends (thank you, Kat, Tammy, Ioanna, Victoria, Shimaira. x).

2. What about the Mystery/Thriller genre attracts you to writing in it?

I am mainly a horror writer yet I wanted to try mystery/thriller for a while, but of course, add a dash of my usual signature horror style to make it a 'typical Christine story' as my sis would say.

3. If you had to pick one song that you feel represents or speaks to your story, what would it be?

Without a doubt 'God's Gonna Cut You Down' by the late great Johnny Cash. It's not just for the fact that Salvatoria's got a God complex and believes cutting sinners down is the right thing to do, but also that sooner or later you must pay your dues. You have the choice to do good or bad in this life you've been given. The ending of the story will show you in a powerful way that everything gets paid in full in the end. As Mr. Cash said, 'What's done in the dark will be brought to the light. You can run on for a long time. Sooner or later, God's gonna cut you down.'

4. Where do you get the inspiration for your characters?

Sometimes from people I've heard about before, for example, Raven was created from a woman who was HIV positive and would purposely infect her lovers simply because she wanted them ill, too. Sometimes the characters just appear, like Salvatoria. She was a speck of an idea and grew with the story.

5. What advice would you give to a writer just starting out?

If you love writing then keep doing it. It's the lil' world you create and it is magical.

If you're starting out and serious about publishing then you must learn how to edit, take criticism, work with your stress and deadlines, and realize that what you know is a drop of water in a vast sea and must be willing to learn to perfect your work for publication. Your editor is your best friend, allow them to kill your darlings. They may pick apart your work, chop it up and stitch it back together, but the right editor will make your work sparkle!

Every word, every tear, every rewrite is worth it. It's so, so worth it because it's a piece of you.

6. How do you deal with writer's block?

I let it linger if it must. I know that it will eventually pass. I allow myself to worry for a bit, then move on. I'll do other things like go out or watch TV. When inspiration trickles back, I write again.

7. Who are some of your favorite authors or favorite books?

POPPY Z BRITE! My favourite books by that author are Drawing Blood and Lost Souls. Two stories that have heavily influenced me. If I can ever write half as well as PZB, I will be ecstatic.

8. What are some of your hobbies outside of writing?

Spending time with friends and family is a big one. Reading, dancing, painting, daydreaming, playing on the PS4 with my husband.

9. How has your writing style changed since you first started writing?

I still write from the heart but I always go back and edit now (even if it's just a light edit). I'm a lot more careful.

10. How did you feel when you were announced as the first place winner?

I had to reread it three times! I was so surprised! I honestly didn't think Salvatoria would become so loved but here it is. I was thrilled!

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