No Work, More Video Games

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My name is Amabella, I am 26 years old, and growing up, I was fat. I don't mean like a cute "oh she has a little belly as a toddler" fat I mean as a teenager I was fat with a massive stomach no one wanted anything to do with. It wasn't always this way for me though, it happened the summer before middle school, when I discovered I loved the bakery at the bottom floor of my apartment building. Something about the food at this bakery, I couldn't stop myself. Everyday I would wake up, grab about twelve pastries for breakfast, then more for lunch, twenty for a snack, thirty for dinner, another snack, and then get about fifty to last me through my midnight cravings. It should come to no ones surprise that I quickly packed on a lot of weight. The day before sixth grade I looked in the mirror and saw a girl with massive chubby cheeks, a huge double chin, borderline triple, big thighs, boobs bigger than any sixth grader should have, a massive ass, and the crown jewel of it all, my stomach which hung a little over my knees.

I was terrified, I quickly tried to lose weight but couldn't, so I spent my entire middle school getting harassed and being called Amabelly. Right before high school my doctors got concerned as I had gotten taller so I was less porky, and my weight was less condensed but I hadn't actually lost any weight. Thankfully, I was never obese, I just hadn't hit my growth spurt yet when I gained all my weight and it made me look so much bigger than I ever was. My doctors started having me go to workout classes, and I became hooked. I would eat pretty healthy and I worked out at least three times a day. Finally, by the time I graduated high school I had a slim and toned stomach, my butt had stayed the same size, and my boobs were still perky and big. I had the perfect hourglass body and tons of guys chased after me that summer, and I finally found who I was supposed to be. I was a gym junkie and proud. In college I joined the top tier sorority, got with tons of guys, drank a lot, and graduated happy and content. 

I moved into an apartment complex that summer and checked out my new gym for the first time. That was where I met him. Daniel. I was getting my usual looks of envy, as I had an insane body (she basically looks like Demi Rose Maybe) when I noticed a group of boys my age in the weight area. Then, I saw him. He had a perfect body, except a stomach that was slightly softer, and was being cheered on by all the other guys. I had never seen someone so gorgeous, my heart dropped when he looked at me and winked. I pretended to not care and went over to the treadmill. About ten mins later he walked up and pressed stop, I looked at him hoping to look annoyed but I don't think my face concealed my excitement too well. He stuck his hand out, "I'm Daniel." 

I squealed on the inside, I took his hand and shook it, "I'm Amabella."

Now, here's what you should know about Daniel. Daniel was obese growing up too, but for a completely different reason than I was, and Daniel doesn't know I was fat. Daniel grew up super wealthy, his parents were super rich and he never had to worry about anything. He was pretty spoiled and quickly developed a love for food, he was a classic glutton. He was also rather lazy, his parents pushed him to do sports but he never wanted to move from his custom made couch, where his butlers served him meal after meal. It should come to no surprise that he quickly got really fat. His parents realized as a little ten year old he barely could walk, but he was so spoiled they didn't care. He was still popular though, in high school he was the most popular boy, despite his size. In sophomore year his best friends told him they were going to the gym, and he didn't want to miss out so he joined. 

Naturally athletic, he had an advantage and despite still eating garbage all the time, he would workout constantly with his friends and began to rapidly lose weight. It took me four years to lose fifty pounds, and he lost a hundred and fifty in two. In college he didn't have people feeding him anymore, and his friends still made him workout so he quickly grew even more muscular and handsome. Girls would swoon over him as he had the "perfect body". He would never change his eating habits though, always stuffing himself to the brim with the most unhealthy of foods but fear of missing out kept him from gaining weight. 

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