Chapter 7

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   Charles was in the blue tent along with Joyce, Stella, and Noah. As soon as they walked in the tent, Daniel barged his way in the tent and accidentally pushed Charles.

"ARE U SHOVING ME CUZ I'M GAY!?!?!?" Charles yelled at Daniel, "THAT'S HOMOPHOBIC!"

Daniel lightly laughed and said, "Sorry, my bad. The rain outside was soaking me."

"It's fine, I was only joking anyways." Charles laughed and he flipped his nonexistent hair, he and Daniel both laughed together. Omg, am I in love with him?!  Charles thought, I can't! He's my trip adviser and I'm only gonna see him once.

A few moments later, everyone heard the rain stop, and headed outside. The only thing was different was the campfire. The fire had been put out by the rain.

"Looks like the storm ruined our fire!" Daniel wailed, "Search the campgrounds for some dry wood, we will start a new one! " Everyone set out in different directions.

Noah was deep in woods, searching for sticks to add to the campfire. He heard a twig snap and turned around. The girl he didn't care about was behind him, also searching for sticks. What's her name again? Ohh wait. Joyce. He thought she was too scared to go look for any, considering how dark it was outside.

He thought he saw a juicy stick in front of him when he heard a scream. No not again. He froze. Noah didn't dare turn around. Joyce could be dead just like Jacob.

"HELP!" Joyce screamed. At that, Noah did  look. Joyce wasn't dead like he thought she was, but there was blood. So much blood. He ran over.

"What's wron- OH!" The girl's leg was shot by an arrow and there was blood spilling from the wound.

"I can't move. It hurts really bad," Joyce said quietly. She looked really scared. Where had the arrow come from? Was the murderer out to get her? He quickly examined their surroundings. He didn't see anything...

"Okay, wait. I'll go get Daniel. Wait here."

"Wait here?! Are you CRAZY? I'm gonna die. Just leaveee meee. Tell the Awesome 4 I loved them."

He shook his head and ran as fast as he could to Daniel. Noah found him in the green tent scrubbing one of the corners.

"DANIEL! One of the girls got shot in the leg by an arrow! You need to get her NOW!"

"Oh no. Go get the first aid kit in the blue tent. I'll be right behind you."

Noah ran into the blue tent and got the kit. After looking behind him for Daniel, he tried to remember where Joyce was. Why hadn't he kept track of where they were? He was so stupid. He knew it was probably too late.

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