Chapter 1 part 1

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*3rd person point of view*

Noise of birds chirping and whistling winds awoken a certain (h/c)nette while laying down on the forest ground. Slowly sitting up and startled a bit when a sudden movement beside her. She look at the person which it was a boy around her age with purple messy hair wearing a headband and earphones in his ears who is sleeping peacefully.

"Sir? Sir? Please wake up.., she gently shaked his left shoulder, receiving a groan to the boy. She leaned down on his chest and listened to his heart, beating in a normal space for her relief.

"Hnn..", the boy grunted and slowly opened his eyes revealing purple irises. He stared back at the female who is very close to his face.

"Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?", she asked and received a nod from him.

"Thank goodness.", she slowly stands up and help him as well.

"I'm sorry for what I did just now. It's the only way for me to check your condition.", she smiled at him.

"Oh! How rude of me. My name is (L/n) (Y/n). May I know your name, good sir?", she greeted.

"Aikawa.. Makino..", he blurted while staring at her.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir Aikawa."

After that, both of them started to walk to a path whatever it will lead. It is quite a surprise to see Aikawa glued to her side.

"I hope we can find some help. The forest is very huge and we have no idea where we are." Aikawa full hearted agree to her statement.

*rumble* *rumbled*

Both of them quickly hidden in some bushes as they saw a pack of wild rats chasing something.

"Myuu!!!!", a white furball was trying to get away but its right leg was injured causing it to stumbled. (L/n) seems to be a bit angry to see the rats surrounds the poor creature.

"Sir Aikawa, please forgive me for doing something dangerous for now.", Aikawa stared at her in surprise as she took out two smoke bombs from her skirt. Throwing it at the pack and smoke surrounds the entire area causing the rats to panic. She grabbed Aikawa's right hand and ran towards the injured creature scooping it on her left arm. Both of them successfully ran away from the scene.

When they reach to a safe distance, (L/n) quickly check up the creature while Aikawa was craddling it on his arms.

"Its seem the leg was sprain.", she took out a medicine kit from her skirt receiving a questioned glance from Aikawa.

"Ahh.. My skirt have many layers of cloth which it makes an advantage for me to put some necessities under.", she lifted a portion of her skirt revealing a different part with gadget holders. Aikawa gave a nod of understandment and she continues fix the wound of the furball.

After few minutes that she finished bandaging the wound, the furball started to wake up.

"M-myuu?...", it weakly spoke which Aikawa pat its head in comfort.

"It's okay. You're safe now.", (L/n) gently said as the furball slowly went back to sleep.


The two of them returned on walking to a forest path, hoping to get out of the forest. The furball was wrapped in soft cloth while sleeping on Aikawa's arms. Until both of them sudden came to a view of a very tall building.

*clap* *clap* *clap*

Aikawa and (L/n) averted their gaze to the figure clapping under the trees' shadow.

"What a remarkable performance! Congratulations for completing the first stage "Animals Brawl". This is the first time that someone rescued one of the protectors of the forest, Ms. (L/n). And by the way, please call me "Paca"., a man wearing an alpaca mask introduce with his glowing red eyes...

(Hey there... Wondering who is our character and the mysterious furball? Don't worry, you'll know it soon.)

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