Chapter-4 missing twin ;(

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Red's P.O.V

It has been a whole year without Blu. She couldn't stand the blood loss and Jeffrey thinks it was his fault after all of these days,weeks,months,and a whole year. I honestly feel bed for him he tried killing himself many times but didn't work one bit. I still remember 6 months ago where we buried her, it was a sad day for all of us.


Red's p.o.v

"Come on hurry it up girl!" Slendy has been calling us girl and boy none of the child sweet talk.

"I-I don't w-want t-to." I sobbed in my black dress.

"Well do this for Blu, Red. She would like you to visit her one last time before she is sent up above with you mother and father." I look up at him bewildered but decided it was for later.

A-alright I-I'll do I-t." We walked down the steps and I saw everyone all sad. Ben was crying blood and jane was crying black tears. 'Freaky?!' I thought in my head but I kept walking to the door. Once I looked outside it was snowing lightly

"Snow?!" Everyone exclaimed

"This must be you Blu considering it is a light blue color." I said to the light blue sky of clouds. We all started walking to the grave. We reached it in a few minutes. I looked down at the grave to see my sister and her lovely royal blue dress that I picked out for her. (Dress will be in the next chapter you will see her in it;D) she looked so peaceful I just couldn't stop staring at her.

"Hi Blu." I said a few tears slipping away from my eyes"we will miss you very much. I hope you will be going somewhere nice and warm but not too warm. We both know you like it warm to freezing cold ehehehe." I giggle sadly" I just want you to know that we will miss you like heck. Please watch over us and I will watch over your body." I smile sadly at her dead pale body. I kissed her on her forehead "sleep well my precious sister. We will miss you but don't worry I will visit everyday." I smile sweetly at her and I close the coffin"Rest.In.Peace" I said to her and we all went back to the mansion.

FLASHBACK OVER PEEPS (you probably cried;,,,,,,p relax I almost did just a few tears)

We tried to forget her but it was hard especially for eyeless jack I found out he had a crush on her since he saw her small figure but he kept trying to think it was brotherly-sisterly love. Oh was he Soo wrong. I Kept my promise about visiting her grave. Everytime I would wear the funeral stuff I wore same with E.J.

I wish she would just come back to us. I mean how could she die from blood loss?! She was a vampire for crying out loud! But right now doesn't matter the past was the past now I should worry about the future considering I found out who I like. I can't beleive I like Ben for all I care?!?! But why hime you ask? Well it all started after the funeral.


We all reached the mansion I could feel the sad and frustrated aura around everyone especially E.J. I went to Blu's room and I see a note on her bed addressed to me. I picked it up and I looked at who it was from


From:Blu Blu/she wrote the nickname I gave her a loooooong time ago.

Dear Red,

I am sorry you found out this way but since I came to the building I knew I was going to die anyway. I didn't tell anyone but I gave jeff all of my blood and I had enough energy to free all of you but I wouldn't free myself so if you are wondering where I am. I am somewhere in the woods/grave or underworld. You can come find me but I would be different to you.

Sincerely Blu

I screamed in delight. Ben quickly ran into my room with everyone else I showed them the letter and they said it wasn't real just Zalgo trying to trick me into coming into the woods/underworld. I pretended to agree and I started to cry again because I knew this was my twin. But how could I prove to them? No clue.

Everyone left my room besides BEN. He showed me a letter and it had the exact same stuff on it but at the need there was a P.s and it said ' BEN please do take care of my sister while I am gone'. Everyday at dawn we would look around the woods with a map and tried searching for my twins body or spirit

Flashback over

Ok everyone sorry but this will be the end of this book but good news

















SEQUAL (it is called 'Admission from the dead'

Alright guys stay awesome

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