I: The Beginning of The End

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Age 3:

"Djavannah, this is your friend, Júnior." My mum told me. 

"Neymar, meet your best friend." The little boy's dad said as he made us face each other. "You have to protect her and love her."

"They are going to be the best of friends." Everyone in the room said.

That little boy is weird.

Age 6:

"Pass to me!" Júnior yelled from the other side of the yard. I kicked it to him and he caught it with his thigh.  "Nice pass DJ." He said as he dribbled the ball up next to me.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"You know what, you are my best friend." He said as he placed an arm over my shoulders. "And I don't care if you are a girl."

"Sure!" I said with enthusiasm. I liked having a friend. 

"You know, your as good as I am in football." My new best friend said. "And that's pretty good."

"Really? You think so?" I asked.

"Yep! Just think, one day you and me will be playing for Brazil!" He said.

"You and me?" I asked uncertain of what he meant by that.

"Yeah, me and you, best friends, FOREVER!" He screamed. "But promise me one thing."

"Anything." I replied gladly.

He stopped walking and turned around to face me, he looked very serious. "Don't fall in love with me, I don't want our friendship ruined because of me."

"I promise." I said and Júnior hugged me tightly.

"Thank you." He whispered. 

Age 9:

Side step, dribble, side step.

"Pass over here DJ!" Júnior yelled. And with one swift kick, the ball flew over to him. He did some sort of dance and manage to get away. It was amazing. 

"Goal!" He screamed as he ran up to me. "We won!"

The next day:

"Mum, I don't want to go back to school!" I whined as Junior and I ate our breakfast.

"Why not?" My mother's thick, Brazilian accent filled my ears.

"Coz, I don't want to." I mumbled as I took a sip from my orange juice.

"Now, now. Tell me what's wrong." She said with pleading eyes.

"Everyone hates me! I don't know why! They hate my weird eyes! They hate the way I talk! They just hate me!" I cried.

"I don't hate you" Júnior mumbled in.

"Djavannah, don't listen to them. Don't listen to the people who hate you, listen to the ones who love you. Like Júnior here, and me, and your father. Your eyes are beautiful, only a few people in the world have them. Your accent is not your fault. Your British blood is very strong, like your father. Be proud of who you are. You are beautiful." My mother told me as she hugged me and wiped away my tears.

Age 11:

"Djavannah is a stupid name!" Said one of the girls of the popular crowd.

"Leave..... Leave me alone." I trembled.

"Your accent is stupid!" Said another. 

"Please." I begged as a single tear slid down my face.

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