The Intern (pt. 2)

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A couple weeks had gone by with working with Ruel at the studio. Our friendship really grew over a short amount of time. The second day I went back, I had actually gotten Ruel's number, just in case we had to have an "emergency session" but I think he was aiming for more than just that. I can't help but also feel a little giddy when I'm around him. He's just so easy to talk to, and he's got a smile that can make your heart melt.

Today was the last session we'd have with Ruel before we dropped "Painkiller" on all platforms. I could tell he was nervous about this being the final cut. He kept wanting to sing the bridge over again, and making us all listen to different tones for his backup vocals. He really was just overthinking it now.

"Alright guys lets just take a little break and come back and do a few more run-throughs with all tech." Big Mike seemed excited about getting this project done, but I think he also knew that Ruel was nervous. I wonder what he was like when he recorded his EP. Speaking of his EP, it might be the most listened to music I have on my phone right now. I knew I'd heard of this guy before, I actually heard his song "Younger" before and I enjoyed it as much then as I do now.

Ruel stepped out from the booth and sat on the small loveseat couch behind the tech table. He grabbed himself a bottle of water and chugged it away. I turned around from my chair at the table, looking at him with a face of concern.

"You okay, Ruel?" I knew he wasn't, but maybe talking about it would make him feel better.

"Yeah, I'm just nervous. I know that the song is good, but what if it's not enough?" His gorgeous brown eyes began to fill with tears, but he was holding them back.

"What do you mean 'not enough'? You've but a lot of work into the song, you should really be proud of yourself. Plus you said you've already got some other pieces you're ready to bring in to work on!" I moved over to the couch and put my hand on his knee. I wanted him to know that I'm here not just as a co-worker but also as a friend.

"I just always imagined myself doing this when I grew up but I'm not where I thought I would be. I'm not selling out arenas, or having people notice me everywhere. Nobody sees me down the street and come up and ask for autographs. I just want to be out there more, not really for the fame, but I want people to hear what my music has to say." A single tear fell down his cheek. Without hesitation I grabbed his face with my hands, and wiped that tear away with my thumb.

"Honey, you've done more than a lot of people our age can ever say. You need to realize things like this take time. You've got a lot of talent and I'm sure the whole world is going to hear it, but you have to give it time to reach all of them." Somewhere along the way, our faces got a little closer, and one of his hands was now over the top of mine on his face, while the other was resting on my thigh.

"Thank you, for making me realize that. I'm sorry I should've never broke down like-"

"Don't ever apologize for having feelings. You know I'm always here to talk to you. I kinda like being around you anyways." I blushed a little realizing I sort of just admitted some feelings to him.

"You're the only person in this whole place that I get excited about seeing. There's just something about you." And with that, we both leaned in.

His lips were not just soft, but for some reason they also tasted sweet to me. I don't know how long we sat there like that, kissing gently, but we jumped apart at hearing Big Mike come back into the studio.

"Alright Ruel let's finish this baby up!" I don't think Big Mike saw what we were doing, but if he did, he thankfully chose to ignore it.

I looked back at Ruel, a smile covered where his frown once was. He walked back into the studio, his confidence seemed to be much higher now. I went back to my table and spoke into the mic that went into the booth.

"Let's do this, honey."


Alright, a little shorter, but I hope ya'll like!

Let me know your thoughts!

Much love - E

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