Chapter one

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The meeting began at 10 and every surgeon in the hospital, Visiting and staff were in attendance and the place was quiet. I rested my back on my comfy seat and beside me was Hafeez

The director came into the room followed by a tall breathtaking guy in suite. He sat down on his seat by the directors right and offered a silent greeting. This guy can't be more than 28

"Good day ladies and Gentlemen, today we are here to welcome our visiting staff who will be with us for 3 months. Dr. Ridwan Sydeek" we all clapped

"Dr. Ridwan, meet the surgical staff" he introduced each of us until he got to me

"this is Zahra, our only cardiosurgeon. And our youngest" Ridwan studied me for a minute and gave me a heart warming smile. This guy is cute. Focus Zahra. His smile illuminated his turquoise blue eyes and something like cyan making the silver around them visible



"well you have met our staff and I hope you'll be able to work in harmony and as a team like they do"

After he rounded up his speech we all left. I went straight to my office

"Zahra, there's a patient for you" Veera informed through the intercom

"show the patient in" I replied
Minutes later, a Muslim woman in her early thirties came in holding a kid and behind her was a guy, her husband

"As salaamu alaykum, please sit"

"Waalaykumu salaam Doctor" they sat down on the chairs and the kid gave me one of the cutest smiles I've ever seen

"Mia, how are you?" I asked the child

"I'm fine" she dimpled

"doc. The test results"

I brought out the file containing the bad news about Mia. She's suffering from a heart problem and needs transplant. The big problem is where and how to get the perfect heart or a donor
I told the parents the complete diagnosis and treatment. They agreed on the operation immediately, stating the earlier, the better


I entered the hospital cafeteria, filled with doctors and nurses sitting down and jisting and also eating. I got a plate of sandwich and an apple and a drink then went to my seat and sat down
Hafeez is on night shift this month so I'll be the only one eating on my table. Veera doesn't eat in the cafeteria and the other nurses and doctors have the specific people they sit with so I can't just go and sit on their seat. It's just not done

I took a bite of the sandwich when a tray was set down in front of me. I looked up from my phone to see Ridwan standing in front of me smiling

"Zahra right?"

"yeah" where's my voice when I need it

"I'm Ridwan, friends call me Rid, enemies call me Wan, which are you?"

I chuckled "I think both Rid and Wan"

He grinned "fair enough. May I sit down?"

"yeah sure"

He sat down opposite me "why are you sitting down alone?" he inquired

I shrugged like I didn't care "no reason"

He looked at me as though trying to find something and I looked away uncomfortable

"well mind if I become your cafeteria partner, I'm sorta new here and I don't really have friends.... That is if you count Veera out of it"

I smiled "Veera is everyone's friend"

He grinned sheepishly "then that means I actually have a friend"
"you could say that"

"what about you?"

My heart is beating faster than usual "Hafeez, night shift, the surgeon"

He nodded understanding "so now you will be alone"

"you could say that"

An awkward silence descended and we all concentrated on eating and using our phones "so Zahra, how long have you been here?"

"a while. A year at most. You?"

"a day"

I smiled "not here. How long have you been practicing?"

"3 to 4 years. It's what I always wanted to be, I own hospitals around Europe"

"business man plus neurosurgeon, cool. I get it. Anyway, what made you come to Boston?"

"easy. Work. I usually work in London, I love it there but then work calls" he replied

We talked about random things through out and I warmed up to him

Walking out of the cafeteria and smiling to myself. I already knew it, I like Ridwan and more than a friend but something greater
I continued working and seeing patients since fortunately I had lots of patients to keep me busy

After that we had a surgeon meeting to discuss how to get the hearts needed for the transplants and other stuffs. Rid was there and it was super hard for me to concentrate

Done, I closed up and went straight home. The beautiful aroma of dinner filled the air. I joined Ammi and Ayyaz for dinner and I left them to make small talk while my mind always went back to Ridwan. How can I fall for someone so fast, is it possible but it has never happened to me before. Maybe because I was always career focus

Ammi has been telling me, I'm getting older, I need to start working on building a family, getting married but I never paid heed now lying on my bed in my room it seems like its time. The perfect guy for me is here, the one I've unknowingly been waiting for...


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