Chapter two

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The beautiful smell of nature filled the air as I wake up early in the morning. It's weekend and I have no work for the weekend, my job is to relax. Now I have this craving to go to the park and enjoy my day

I dragged myself off my bed and arranged my room then I went to the bathroom and had a hot long shower. Taking my time to relax. Done, I wrapped my self in my robe and let my damp hair fall
I went to my closet and wore my undies then took my time to dry my hair. Done, I wore the long sleeved pink shirt with a light blue skinny jeans and white cotton jacket with wedge. I packed my hair in a bun and wore my brown hijab. Carrying my phone and my brown shoulder bag, I went downstairs. After a fantastic breakfast with Ammi, I went out. I decided not to carry my car with me, I would like to stroll and enjoy the natural air

I passed the woman walking her dog, kids playing Frisbee. It reminds me of how my life used to be. No worries, no responsibilities, no problems nothing. To be a kid again is to be free again. To live again
I bought a triple layered ice cream from the cart and sat down on an empty bench enjoying the beautiful view of families having fun together. Seeing this view calms me. It's better than the one I see every other day at work, one body dies another replaces it. Seeing people dying and living this world almost every hour teaches me that dunya is nothing but an illusion, it's nothing to waste your time on instead spend your time planning your akhira

"is this seat taken?" a voice asked. I knew the voice before I even looked up. That beautiful voice can only belong to one person...... Ridwan

I looked up trying to keep a straight face and mask my emotions "salaam Rid"

"salaam Zahra, so is it taken?"

"yeah, by me"

"may I sit down?"

"yeah" he sat down on the bench but with distance

"how are you doing?" he asked

"good. Are you stalking me?"

"no" he chuckled "I was walking around and enjoying the view when I sighted a beautiful lady sitting alone on a park bench taking ice cream so I thought I should try my luck"

I started blushing. God, I'm sure I'm red all over "funny Rid. Stop joking around"

He smiled "I'm not joking around Zahra. Trust me"

I kept quiet not knowing what to say and he didn't say something. Done with my ice cream and enjoying the park view, I stood up. He stood up too

"k, I really have to go. I have work"

"yeah. Sure thing Zahra. See ya soon"

"yeah you too"

I started to walk away but he called me back "Zahra!"

I turned back to him "yeah?"

"I wanted to ask you something but you know what forget it, it's not important" it's like a stone was dropped on my chest making my heart shrink all of a sudden and I couldn't breathe

"sure thing Rid" with that I walked away. With a sad heart. I actually don't even know what I expected but I knew it wasn't that. Oh Allah please help me!

I arrived home and took my car keys and Ammi and I went straight to the mall. Shopping with Ammi is always fun because after that we go to a cafe or something and we'll jist and catch up with each others lives


I was lying down on my bed snap chatting and chatting with my friends and colleagues when an unknown number sent me a message. I opened it

Salaam ~ unknown

Waalaykumu salaam. Please who are you ~ me

Ridwan 😀 ~ Unknown. My heart skipped a beat and I'm almost sure it expanded. God, I feel like a girl having a high school crush all over again

Oh! ~ me. Seriously that's all you could come up with Zahra, I mentally scolded myself

Expecting someone else? ~ Rid

Not really. No ~ me

A few seconds later he called, I didn't pick immediately because of the way my heart was beating for him

I finally answered the call

"I was starting to think you were not gonna pick"

"sorry" monotone reply that's all you could come up with

"no biggie. I just wanted to ask you something"

"sure thing"

"wanna go out with me?"

My heart skipped a beat "A.... Are you asking me out?"

"yeah and I don't take no for an answer"

Well there goes my answer down the drain. Just great "sure thing. Around..?"

"maybe 4pm. Good night Zahra. Sweet dreams. Dream of good things. By that, I mean me" the line went dead. Definitely Ridwan. Definitely......


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