Chapter 19

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I'm back y'all, I know y'all been on my ass about updating so without further a due ,


1 week later

I wake up and a wave of nausea just hits me, I run to the bathroom just in time I gotta call my mom this my 4th time throwing up and I have the worst head cold ever . I'll be glad when this shit passes over I get my books together & head to class.

"Today's topic is on the right to live " my teacher ms.ingram introduced the topic to class . " we certainly don't ask to be here but what are your thoughts on you abortion's " she questioned. A classmate of mine raised his hand, and y'all this is the most religious righteous nigga ever like he's seriously aggravating "it's un -godly it's a sin it's murder is against everything god stands for" he went on to say another classmate raised her hand "it's the woman's choice but it shouldn't be used as a form of contraception" she said I put my head down because at this point this shit didn't apply to me and I generally didn't care. "Ashareé your awful quiet what's your view on this debate" . My head shot up I bit my lip and thought for a moment without speaking " hey if that's what you do . Do whatever's best for you I'm not god I'm not gonna tell you what to do there is no right and there is no wrong " I stated . She gave me and intrigued looking before continuing on with the lesson . I went back to not paying attention cus again the shit had nothing to do with me & began thinking back on the week I spent in Louisiana with trell and his people. I can't lie it's a whole different feel out there but it's nothing like my city or state . And I like him a lot but i don't think we gone get serious he's fun tho .

Skye😝: bitch meet me after class I got major tea

Me: you know I'm there 🥵

Class ended after another 30 minutes and I called Skye "meet me by the wildcat" she said before clicking the line off . Whatever this hoe gotta say better be this important hanging up on me like the feds watching or some shit.

I see my good sis standing there looking real edible but with the nastiest look on her face whatever this tea is my bitch finna serve it up

"What's up hoe why you mugging me like that" I asked with a curious laugh "girl I gotta put you on game bout trell that nigga ain't right" my eyes widened but I still ain't make not a peep

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"What's up hoe why you mugging me like that" I asked with a curious laugh "girl I gotta put you on game bout trell that nigga ain't right" my eyes widened but I still ain't make not a peep . "So I'm on the phone with shad and I guess he was with t and  I heard him say something bout a bitch name Josephie or Joseline some shit so you my mind get to running like a clock so I go on his page look in all his likes and followers and I see she been under his pictures and all type of shit so I'm like hm interesting so I follow the bitch on Instagram and Snapchat and she posts a video of what looks like him sleep" when skye said that my heart dropped I wanted to cuss this nigga out call him all kinds of names pour sugar in his gas tank everything but imma just hurt the nigga even more and never speak to him again . "Look sis I know you disappointed and shit but I'd be creep for not telling you" I hugged her and said "you all good sis it's never pressure behind a nigga I'll just get a new one you know me " I said holding it all together.

"But ya I gotta get to Gianni class he be quick to play with your grade and ion wanna have to cuss his ass out AGAIN " she said making her eyes big. We said our goodbyes and I parted ways . Immediately got on the phone with my service provider and had my number changed .

I just don't understand what was the point of the nigga flying me out kicking it with me for the last 3 months to pull some lame pussy shit just like this niggas are weird asf I tell ya . I walked to my dorm and laid down scrolling down my feed. After a while that annoyed me to and I just to sleep but of course that didn't last for long before I was running to the bathroom throwing my life up . I decided to call my granny she always knows what to.

After 3 rings she picks up "hey bean" she says just knowing it was me calling "hey granny how are you"  I asked I just love my grandma "I'm good baby I got something I wanna ask you though be honest with grandma " she said in her usual sweet voice " go ahead Granny I'm all ears " I replied back "grandma been dreaming about fish and water is there a chance you might be pregnant " she asked and in that moment I froze . Everything began hitting me all the throwing up everything it all began to make sense and for the first time I lied to my grandma something I never thought I'd do "no I'm fine " I replied back, we talked for a little while and I told my grandma I love her and that I'd call her tomorrow. How worst could today go . I'm most likely pregnant trell isn't shit and I lied to the only person I truly love the most. I don't believe in abortion for myself but I can't do this . Not by myself and I definitely won't be just another girl trell has under his belt . This won't be the first time he let me down and I already know if I ever talk to him again it won't be the last . I'm better and stronger by myself so I guess that's how I'm kicking shit now . I got up pulled myself together and headed out of my dorm .

Sorry for the wait guys I got so many ideas 💡 I'm ready to deliver again y'all let me know Florida girl is officially back and thank you for 5K I love y'all !!

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