Tom Tord x Tom (idk what to call this)

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((Ok so it's the original Tord, Tom, Edd, and Matt living together, Tom and Tord fight all the time , etc. you know the story if you watch eddsworld. With that out da way, enjoy your smut!

Tord was up in the middle of the night , staring blindly at the wall, as he layed on his bed.

The tent in his pants getting more and more painful by the second. How did he get like this? Well, it all started with some innocent thoughts of Tom. 

Tord knew how he felt towards the Brit, but were his feelings so large that it gave him a boner in the middle of the night?

"Faen..." Tord groaned out as he soon heard a knock on the door, followed by a voice.

"Tord, can I come in? I need change for 20 dollars." Said a British accent on the other side.

Tord knew Tom went out to the bar on Monday nights, but of all the time to enter his room, why now? 

Meanwhile, the Brit was on the other side of the door, waiting impatiently. All he heard were shuffling noises come from the room, before a voice interrupted interrupted his thoughts.

"Come in!" 

And that was all it took for Tom to enter the room, closing the door behind him.

The room was dark, only slightly lighted by a dim lamp. He could tell what anything was except when he  turned his glance to the Norski. 

The taller male was covered with that seemed like at least 5 blankets, all covering his lower half.

Tom thought nothing of it at first and turned to the other, his arms crossed.

"Where's the change?" He said , looking at his watch and then at the other male.

"Don't have any at the moment." Tord muttered at the other.

"What? You had a jar full of change last time I came in!" The Brit spat out, his eyes glaring down at the other.

"I said I don't have any." Tord said sitting up and crossing his arms.

"I bet you have some in your pocket!" Tom said with a grin as he basically tackled the other.

"Tom, get the fuck off!" Tord shouted, his face turning a bright crimson as he squirmed around.

Soon Tom slipped his hands under the cover, searching for Tord's pockets, but being met with a hard object instead. 

It took Tom a few touches at the hard object and a few glances at Tord's red face to realize what he has been touching.

He seemed to jump up to the other side of the room faster than light , and his face heated up. 

"What the h-hell!" Tom screeched in embarrassement.

"You pervert!" Tom shouted booting towards the door. It seemed as time stopped when Tom tried to open the door.

But it would not budge.

Tom kept rattling the door knob before giving up and looking behind him to see the taller male towering over him with a mischievous smirk. 

"Don't you dare think about it!" Tom said turning to him with a glare.

"I think I already did~" Tord grinned , pinning the other's wrists against the door And turning him so that the Brit's back was facing tord. 

Tord started biting into Tom's neck from behind, grinding his member against the other.

"G-get off- Ah~..." Tom moaned as he began squirming and fighting against the others grip but soon gave up , tempted by the pleasure.

Tord slid his hands across Tom's body, soon reaching His chest. The Norwegian started tracing his hand around Tom's chest, leaving bite marks around the others neck while also grinding faster.

"Hmf- T-ord~" The Brit moaned out in pleasure.

The taller male smirked as he traced his touch down to Tom's lower back and to his rear.

Tord pushed down Tom's pants, and unbuckled his own, pulling out his member.

The Norski turned back his attention to the Brit, as he traced his fingers lower and lower, to Tom's blushing pink hole. He smirked before inserting a finger inside.

Though it surprisingly slipped in easier than he thought. Tom looked back at Tord, and then away in embarrassment.

"I've been....p-playing with myself...." Tom muttered, his face hearing up.

"And why is that~?"Tord said, a grin across his face.

"B-because I like you,  Y-you idiot!" Tom squeaked covering his face with his hands.

"Then I think you won't mind this~" Tord chuckled before skipping the prep, knowing it was not needed, and inserting his member slowly into Tom.

"A~Ah~ F-fuh...Ngh~" Tom moaned out , gripping his hoodie as he swayed his hips slightly , basically begging for more contact.

Tord kept pushing his member in, until it was fully inside. Afterwards, he gripped Tom's hair and started thrusting into the other.

"A~h~ Ha~  M-more~" Tom's moaned grew louder and louder the faster Tord thrusted inside him.

"Faen..." Tord groaned as his thrust got slower and slower. Soon he pulled out, the white liquid spilling Down his member.

Drool slipped down Tom's mouth, as his breath grew shakier. The Brit looked down to see the white stain on his boxers.

"P-pervert!" Tom squeaked before rushing out the room and slamming the door shut.

Some hours later, Tord heard a ding coming from his phone. He groaned and picked it up to see the new message.

Tom : I enjoyed that...

((Well, that's all for now folks. Will post more soon. ~Kai

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