The Bet

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*Dave POV*
    Hope is the hottest girl I ever seen. I know Clint likes her but it's impossible for them to be together. With Bianca pregnant with Clint's baby, I have a good chance with Hope. I walk over to her, "Hey Hope!". She looks up and looks confused, "Hi?". I give her roses and smile, "Hope I think you're really pretty and smart, will you go on a date with me?"

*Hope POV*
    I'm pretty confused. One of Clint's friends (Dave) just asked me out. I honestly don't know how to feel about it. I mean he's cute, but do I want to date my crush's friend? Without even thinking I said, "Yeah sure!". Dave smiles, "Great meet me at 6 at my house!".
    Clint looks pretty tired. Apparently Bianca is pregnant with Clint's baby. Great. Now I'll have 0 chance with Clint. Honestly I need to move on. I can't ruin my love life by being obsessed with someone I have 0 chance with. So I think Dave will be perfect to move on with.

*Clint POV*
Dave comes to my house smiling, "I'm going on a date.". I laugh, "With who?". He smiles at me and raises his eyebrows, "Hope.". I roll my eyes, "What the hell dude? You know how I feel about her!". He laughs, "Bianca's pregnant! You can't leave her dude.". Pete waves, "Hello guys. Did you notice I walked in?". I do my handshake with him, "Yeah sorry. Dave over here wants to steal my girl."
Pete looks at both of us smiling, "I have an idea.". Pete's ideas are never good, once he made us jump off a cliff into a shallow lake; Xavier broke his leg and couldn't play basketball this year.
Dave looked at me and asked, "What is it?". Pete looked at both of us and smiled, "I know both of your deepest darkest secrets.". Oh shit, I know what this is going to come down to. "Continue...", Dave says while looking confused. "You two are going to compete for Hope, the first to sleep with her wins.".
    What the fuck? Hope? It's obvious that Dave has the biggest chance of winning. "What happens if you lose?" I ask. "I will expose your darkest secret to the whole school.". My darkest secret is bad. If anyone found out I would be in trouble. I knew I had to win this.

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