The master plan

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*Bianca POV*

Clint broke up with me for Hope. So I'm going to make Hopes life hell. I already came up with a plan to destroy her career. First Dave is going to corner hope and kiss her. I'm going to film it. Then I am going to use some random nerd to edit it to look like Hope is kissing him back. Then show the video to Clint. Clint will be mine again. The problem is is the fact Clint isn't the father of the baby and Dave is. Yes, I cheated on Clint. I don't plan on telling Clint that though. I still want Clint back to shove it in Hopes face.

*Clint POV*

I was at Hopes house after a date and she was in the shower. I decided to take her lingerie and spray her perfume on it. I then would win this bet and victory was mine. I shoved it all in my bag.


It was the next day at school I showed Pete the lingerie. He didn't look satisfied, "I need a condom.". Shit. Now what was I supposed to do. "What if I threw it away?" I asked him annoyed. He smirked, "Then have sex again.". He walked away and I felt angry. Why couldn't he just accept it?

*Bianca POV*

Dave immediately said yes to kissing hope. Idk why but alright. Hope was walking to lunch when Dave cornered her and started kiss Hope. Hope shoved Dave. She walked away angrily, and I gave Dave a thumbs up. I pulled Dave aside and said we needed to talk.

"The Baby, it isn't Clint's it's yours. I took a DNA test for it and it's yours."

"Wait what? How are we going to tell Clint?".

"I don't know but I want Clint to be jealous. Let's start dating."

"Um okay."

I kissed Dave and left.

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