The Fair

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    Let's see... cash, phone, charger, pepper spray, lighter, duct tape, and most importantly, my rose. Okay I've got it all. Now to get out of the house. A girl thought as she packed a seafoam green bag that was covered in all different types of enamel pins. She pulled her long, bushy, brown hair up in a ponytail using a yellow scrunchie. She then pushed her glasses back up her nose and pulled her long yellow cardigan up her arms.

     She shut off her bedroom light and waited for a few minutes. She listened to the sound her her parent's bed settling as the creaks came to a close. She waited a bit longer and opened her bedroom door. She made sure to wait and put her shoes on, that way no sound would escape her feet as she walked. She held her shoes in one hand and began going down a rather large staircase.

     Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen creaks so skip that step. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty-one also squeaks. Then three more and I'm home free. She thought but soon stopped in her tracks when she heard shuffling in the kitchen.

     Shit! Shit! Shit! They were supposed to be gone by now. They're always gone by now. She thought and tried to quickly but quietly run past the kitchen.

     "Where are you running off to young lady?" A voice spoke behind her. She turned to see a man in a brown suit with his arms crossed and tapping his foot to the rhythm of the grandfather clock next to him.

     "Beautiful night, isn't it Cogsworth?" She asked in return to deflect his question.

     "No actually. It's raining." He sighed and attempted to fix his crooked handle bar mustache.

     "You should be in bed. Your first week of college is starting soon." He scolded.

     "Oh, give her a break! She clearly just wants to visit the fair before it closes. This could be her last chance to." A carefree Lumiere spoke softly.

     "Bu-But if she gets caught we also get in trouble." Cogsworth spoke as worry filled his voice.

     "She's eighteen! Not even master or her mother seem to understand that." Lumiere sighed as he began blowing out the candles around the house.

     "Thank you, Lumiere. What are you all doing here?" The girl questioned as she gripped her rose.

     "We aren't allowed to say yet. Just make sure you get back in time for breakfast." Lumiere smiled and shooed her out the door.

     Oh great! I hate surprises. She thought and took a deep breath. She loved the beautifully scented air that swirled around her as she walked.

     I hope Cogsworth won't rat me out. She thought and began lacing up her shoes as the cold rain fell upon her head. A rush of excitement flew across her back. This was the calmest she's felt in a while and she wasn't far from her house yet.

    One more week, just one more. I'll finally be able to leave. I can finally breathe on my own. She thought excitedly and began running. The cool breeze rushed through her frizzy hair and pellets of ice cold water landed on her glasses making her vision worse. She felt incredible though she was losing her breath. She wasn't the healthiest person, she was often self conscious when standing next to her thin friends. Her thighs often rubbed together when she walked which was something she was made fun of for a long time. This feeling often held it's place in the back of her mind but wasn't stopping her from reaching the fair. She'd heard of this fair for years but was never allowed to go. As she reached the beach where the fair was being held, a breath taking sight appeared in front of her eyes. A beautiful midnight sky against beautiful crashing waves and a sky line of tall, lit up rides and food stands  with a beautiful scent of food coming towards her. The brown haired girl grabbed her phone and her wallet out of her bag. Her phone was practically spammed with messages from her two friends that were waiting for her. The final one said:

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