Chapter 11

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Next few days Brooke was still recovering as she was awake and somehow gotten out of bed which she was not suppose too be walking, Cole picked her up as she squeals.

Brooke: Coleeeeeeeeee *whines* put me down! *she wince cause he did*

Cole: I'm sorry you shouldn't be walking right now sis *laid her back down on the Infirmary bed*

Misako: *comes in* your brother is right dear and see you opened up your cut again

Cole: i will step out so you can change it

Later Brooke stares up at the ceiling bored as Samantha and Lloyd peaked in the room where Brooke is still in as she looked over seeing the two

Brooke: hey Sam and Lloyd

Samantha: *giggles* hey Brooke feeling any better?

Brooke: yeah but just a bit sore thats all *looks at Lloyd*

Samantha: oh one more thing i called our boss and told her what had happened and gave us a few weeks till you were all ready to do some more singing and tomorrow we have to take you to the doctor before you could do anything

Brooke: *nods* thanks Sam

Samantha: your welcome! *shoves Lloyd inside and shuts the door giggling*

Lloyd: heyyy! *blushed*

Brooke: *giggles then grunts*

Lloyd: you okay? *comes over to her and sits next to the bed*

Brooke: I wish i could walk right now but i can't until i am fully healed *pouts*

Lloyd: *chuckles* i know but you have too *ruffles her hair playfully*

Brooke: *smiles and fixes her hair* do you really had to do that LLoyd *crosses her arms pouting more*

Lloyd: sorry *smiles*

Brooke: *smiles back* its fine *kisses his cheek*

Lloyd: *blushed softly*

Next day Brooke gotten back from the doctors with a sad expression Cole carried her inside Samantha comes over and notice her sad face.

Samantha: Brooke what happened? *worried*

Brooke: *takes a deep breath* the doctor told i couldn't continue my career anymore cause how bad Max damage my side *looks down* so i want you to continue it for me please *she gives a weak smile* and don't ever stop

Samantha: but-

Brooke: just promise me Sam please

Samantha: *hugs her* alright i promise

Brooke: *hugs back* thank you Sam *lets go after a few and falls asleep in her brothers arms*

Cole carried her to the Infirmary and tucked her in as she breathes gently in her sleep as Cole kissed the top of her head as she relaxes and went out to let her rest and went to the others in the game room as Samantha followed him in as the others looked over and stopped playing accept Lloyd since he was watching from the couch.

Lloyd: how did the doctors go? *he asked*

Kai/Jay/Nya/Zane: *nods wanting to know as well*

Cole: *sigh* it didn't went well

Jay: what do you mean?

Cole: the doctor didn't want her to continue her career cause of how her side was damage from Max so Samantha is gonna continue for Brooke

Others were shocked by hearing this as Jay went to Samantha and hugged her as she buried herself to his chest sadly as he holds her, Lloyd went out the room to go see Brooke. He pecks in the room seeing that she was asleep as he went over to her and sighed silently. He sat down and strokes her hand as she relaxes in her sleep then opened her eyes and looked up at him and yawns.

Brooke: Lloyd?

Lloyd: hey Cole told us what happened at the doctors

Brooke: he did?

Lloyd: *nods* yes

Brooke: *frowns and tears up*

Lloyd hugs her as she buries herself to him as he comforts her until she fell back to sleep again, time skippy a few weeks later Brooke was still not safe to go back to her room but could get her belongings to stay at their place and have her own room. Later that day Brooke, Samantha, Lloyd, and Jay had a pillow fight in the game room.

Brooke: *laughs getting hit as she does it back at Samantha*

Samantha: hey! *giggles and hits her back*

Jay/Lloyd: *chuckled*

Brooke/Samantha: *panted laying on the floor with the boys*

Brooke: phew that was fun!

Samantha: yep! i want to go again!

Brooke: I'm tired *whines playfully*

Jay: Samantha come on i want to take you somewhere that will love

Samantha: yay! *jumps up happily and followed him out*

Brooke: *giggles* they are a cute couple

Lloyd: *chuckles* yep hey Brooke?

Brooke: yes Lloyd?

Lloyd: *starts blushing* can i ask you something:?

Brooke: yeah you may

Lloyd: i...uh......ah screw it

Before she could say anything he kissed her as her eyes widen as she kissed him back while wrapping her arms around his neck as he held her waist. Then there was a flash as they both pulled away quickly an blushed seeing that Samantha and Jay had taken a picture.

Samantha: awwww how cute! *giggles and runs off * Coleeeeeeeeeee! come see this!

Brooke: *jumps up and chases her* hey! come back with that!

Cole: what! *whines from the shouting as he gotten a headache*

Samantha: Brooke got her first kiss!

Cole: from who!

Samantha: *shows him the picture*

Cole: *looked mad* LLoyd! Brooke!

Brooke/LLoyd: *nervous coming in*

Cole: i said no kissing!

Brooke: but Coleeeeeeeee i'm old enough to have a boyfriend even i am 19

Cole: *sighed* alright fine you can date but on one condition

Brooke: that is?

Cole: don't be kissing when i am around you two got it

Brooke: *nods and hugs him* thanks Bro *kissed his cheek*

Cole: your welcome now going run along now

Brooke smiled and runs out with Lloyd following as Cole shook his head and smiled as LLoyd, Brooke, Samantha, and Jay went to all cuddled in the living room until they fell asleep in the living as they were happy with their love one. Meanwhile, Max and Brandon were coming up with a plan to destroy the ninjas once and for all.

Brandon: so all we need is Brooke to turn evil since some of her powers have darkness

Max; yes she will be useful to us i can see it through her but tomorrow morning we will attack to get her again and make her obey us

Brandon: *nods* yes sir


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