Chapter 32

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Hey everyone! Makayla here,I kinda forgot it was my turn to update,whoops ^^' Good thing I had time today in my culinary class,I finished all my sub work so I had free time! Enjoy,this did take me a while to come up with~

It had been a month since Brandon & Kiro had vanished. Lance & Jayden were banging pots & pans happily trying to wake everyone up for the breakfast they had made,with Zane's supervision of course. He had been secretly teaching the 2 how to cook since the disappearance of the 2 bad guys.

"Ok ok we're awake."Lloyd laughed as he carried a tired Brooke on his back.

"Yay!"Lance said as he hugged them. Lloyd hugged back as Brooke slid off his back & joined the hug. Soon Jay came up earning a tackle hug from Jayden.

"Where's mom?"she asked while looking around. Jay chuckled & got up holding her.

"Guess you werent paying attention at dinner last night. She went back to work at the hospital,but hey she said she'd call when its her lunch break so we can go hang out with her for an hour & a half.

"Awwww,but she's missing breakfast."Jayden pouted as Jay hugged her. Jayden hugged back with her ears flattened across her head.

"Hey,I tried to tell her not to go since she's pregnant but she wouldnt listen."Brooke said as she sat to eat.
"We can tell her all about later ok."Lloyd said as he began eating."Holy cow this is amazing!"

"YAY!"the 2 kids said as they sat to eat.

"Who taught you to cook?"Jay asked as he sat to eat.
"Zane duh."Cole said as he sat down & ate.

"How'd you know?!?!"the 2 asked.

"Well,he's the greatest cook ever!"Cole replied as he ate.

"Thank you."Zane laughed before Jayden chuckled a water balloon at Kai.

"HEY!"Kai shouted as he sat down.

"You looked like you were sleepwalking so had to wake ya!"Jayden protested as she ate.Lance laughed & high fived her.

"Good one."he said earning a purr. He chuckled & patted her head before they all ate. Breakfast lasted for an hour before everyone went off to do whatever. Jayden sat staring at the clock waiting till lunch time to see her mom while Lance tried dragging her to the game room to play for an hour before their dads would make them train,Zane was doing the dishes as Jay & Lloyd got the training area ready,Kai went to change clothes after the water balloon attack,Brooke & Cole were watching a movie as Misako did the laundry & the 2 sensei meditated in the inside training room.

"Jayden please!"Lance whined.

"Fine,but only because times being slow."she pouted as she got dragged away.

"Im ok with that! Gaming will past the time!"Lance said before the 2 played a game. They played for 3 hours before Lloyd unplugged the tv.

"Training time kiddos we have a fun one set up for you today."Jay said as he picked the 2 up.

"Depends on what your definition of fun is."the 2 mumbled before being carried outside. They gasped seeing the video game themed obstacle course all set up.

"Kai & Cole have offered to help out while the others water safety from the shade over there."Lloyd said.

"Can we change 1st?"Jayden asked. Lloyd & Jay blinked only now realizing their kids were the only ones still in pjs.

"Yeah go ahead."they said as Jay set them down. They ran off inside as the adults laughed.

"If I was them I wouldnt have said anything,pjs are so comfy to train in sometimes"Cole chuckled.

"Says you the rest of us rather be in our gis!"Kai said.

"Your both right now shush,we get a nice show instead of training"Zane said earning a giggle from Brooke & pouts from Cole & Kai.

"Zanes right you know"Brooke giggled out before Lloyd sat next to her & hugged her.

"Enjoy the show"Lloyd said before getting up earning a whine from Brooke.

"We're ready!"the 2 kids said as they stood at the starting line.

"How long have you been standing there?"Jay asked.

"About 5 minutes"Lance said.

"Felt like forever!"Jayden said as she wrapped her tail around her waist.
"Well,begin"Lloyd said & the 2 began the course. The did the course 4 times before Samantha's assistant shows up.

"Whats wrong?!?!"Jay said panicked since it was 2 hours past lunch & Samantha never called. Jayden ran over worried as well.
"Where's my mom?"she asked.

"She's missing"Samantha's assistant said. Jay's eyes went wide as he rushed inside before Jayden followed crying. She clung to Misako as the others rushed over.

"Whats wrong!?!?"everyone asked confused.
"Samantha's gone missing!"Jay said. Everyone gasped & got ready.

"I bet it was Brandon & Kiro!"Cole said.

"Oh if they hurt my sister Im going to hurt them 20 times worst!"Lloyd said mad.

"Save that anger till after we find her."Wu said as he patted Jayden's head. Lance ran over & hugged Jayden.

"We'll find her dont worry Jayden. Im sure our parents wont rest till we find her."Lance said calming her down.

"O-ok"Jayden said before whipping her tears away.

"Now lets go!"Lance said before being stopped by Brooke.

"For now,you 2 will stay here with me,Misako & Garmadon ok. We will try to locate her from here to keep you 2 safe."Brooke said.

"I'll stay too,better to have us both here then one"Wu said. Everyone nodded & got ready.

"We'll be back before you know it!"Lloyd said before kissing Brooke on the cheek & hugging Lance.

"Be careful"Brooke said to Lloyd. He nodded & picked Lance up.

"Protect your mother & Jayden ok,keep her happy so she can help us later."Lloyd said.

"Will do!"Lance said before Lloyd went outside with Kai,Cole & Zane.

"Be good ok Jayden,please stay strong. We'll do whatever it takes to get your mother back."Jay said as he hugged Jayden.

"Go kick some butt for me ok! I want them to feel pain in their butts for taking my mom!"Jayden said as she hugged Jay tightly. Jay laughed & ruffled her hair.

"Will do! Have fun here,protect your aunt with Lance!"Jay said as he ran off after the others.

"Have fun kicking butt!"Lance & Jayden said before going running inside. They went with Wu to try to track Samantha as Garmadon & Misako went to make tea. Brooke sat outside for awhile before being stuffed into a bag. She screamed & struggled as she tried to get out but to no avail. By the time Jayden & Lance made it outside she was gone.

"MOM!"Lance shouted out before running inside to tell the others. There,they called the ninja & told them Brooke just went missing.

To be continued~

Brooke's turn~ Hope you can get some ideas off this ^^ Your free to message me on hangouts or wattpad for help. Bye for now ;3

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