Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping, and to the sunshine creeping into my room. I was still tired, but that day was my first day as a sophomore, so I did not want to be late for school. My cousins always told me that being a sophomore is the best experience you will ever have, so I always looked forward to being one.
I sluggishly got out of bed, and ate my breakfast, which was fried eggs and bacon. My mother called out to me while I was eating.
"Violet, dear, I have to go to work early today! Make sure you go to school on time!"
"Yes, ma'am!" I said back.
At the beginning of every school year, my mom goes to work pretty early, but this is the first time she went this early. It will be okay, because it makes me go faster when she isn't home.
When I finally got done with my morning routine, I put my coat, and I ran for the bus.

    I forgot to mention.... I am not like any other teenager. You see, I have telekinesis. Nobody else knows about my gift, but I use it for many things when people aren't looking. I use telekinesis to lift things off shelves when I can't reach them, to bring the remote to myself when I am to lazy to get up, and etc. I think that I have had this gift since I was, like, eight years old. I think that I can control my power well, probably because I had it for, like, seven years.

    When I got off the bus and walked inside the brick building, the kids were acting the same as they did last year. The jocks were talking about football and girls, the popular girls were talking about cheerleading and boys, and the nerds were talking about books and grades. Even though most of those kids were in my grade, I still thought my sophomore year would be great.
When I walked into my homeroom and sat down, my day started to go downhill. I never even thought about my homeroom teacher! I really despise my homeroom teacher, Mr. Adams, but that wasn't even the worst thing. I was mostly mad about the fact that I had to sit next to my enemy, Kate Smith. She is the most stupid person I know. She has the most stupid ideas for insults.
"Hey there, weirdo!" Kate said to me.
"Nice to see you, too." I said back, sarcastically.
      "I Hope you had a good summer...well, I take that back! Ha ha ha!" Kate said in her dumb tone.
      Kate has always been rude to me, she has said those dumb insults to me ever since I could remember. I am surprised that people even like her! She is one of the most popular girls in school, and she picks on anybody that is less popular than her. Yes, it is pretty annoying, but you get used to it. I have to keep telling myself not to use my telekinesis on her.
When class was finally over, I was relieved. I was done with hearing Kate's
crap, and with Mr. Adams talking about his stupid birds. My cousins definitely lied about sophomore year being the best thing ever.
When I went into Mrs. Johnson's class, which is history class, I sat next to my best friend, Veronica. The class was full of idiots, and me and Veronica were the only smart kids in the class.
"Did Kate pick on you?" Veronica asked me, "because you look a little down."
"I'm fine." I say back to her, "Her insults are really stupid, I'm surprised people get offended by them."
"Well, some people do get offended, but I fully agree with you." Veronica replies back.
After five periods of stupid classes, it was finally time for lunch. As I walked into the cafeteria, I saw people looking at me and snickering. I was very confused at first, but then I figured that I should get something to eat.
       After getting the nasty lunch food, I tried to find Veronica so I could sit next to her. After about five minutes of looking, I just sat down and waited for her to find me. I was very confused because Veronica always comes early. Actually, she is usually the one that comes looking for me. Anyways, after about 20 minutes she came. But guess what? Now she is looking at me funny!
      "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked her.
      "What? I'm looking at you like I usually do." She said back.
      I just left the conversation alone after she said that, because I did not want to have a conversation about this right now. I just stayed quiet for the rest of the day, staring at the crazy expressions people were giving me.
      Even though today sucked, tomorrow would suck even more. Actually, it would be a disaster!

Can't Be Found... (Book 1 of the "Can't Be Found..." trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now