Chapter 3

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Warning, this chapter has bullying, and supernatural violence!

      I was in shock. I have never seen
somebody act this way before. I can't believe somebody would act this way toward another human being. I had to do something about this.
      I ran at them and I screamed.
      "What the crap are you doing!" I screamed at them.
      Kate and Brandi both turned around, giving me this devilish grin.
"We'll tell you, when you tell us why you were bullying William." Brandi said in an evil tone.
"Aren't you the ones who are bullying him?" I asked, sternly.
"Um..... well never mind that!" Brandi said back.
"Wait.... how long have you been doing this to him?!" I asked, about to explode.
      "Well you see, me and Kate did this to make it look like there was proof that you hurt him, because nobody would believe us without proof! So in case somebody asked why there were bruises on Williams' arms, they already know why, since we already told them about you." Brandi said.
      I couldn't believe this! This was so disgusting to me! I was concerned for William.
      "William, did you tell anybody the truth, so they could get you help?" I asked, concerned.
      "No, because they threatened to hurt me if I did, and I was scared...." William said, and he started to cry.
      "What makes you so frickin sick in the head to do this to someone?!" I was super mad at this point.
      "Who cares? He is just a worthless thing filling up space, nobody will care." Kate said in a hateful, brutal tone.
      Kate then shoved a crying William on his back.

      That was when I snapped.

      I used my telekinetic powers to throw them both against the lockers. After that, I threw them against the opposite side of the wall. I kept using my powers on them, not thinking about the damage that would come later.
      I even kept doing it when people came to watch. They all looked so terrified of me. Like I was a monster. Eventually, after the teachers got over a little bit of their shock, they pulled me away from Kate and Brandi.
      As they were pulling me away, I looked at William. He looked so frightened of me. What have I become?
      After the teachers pulled me back, I ran down the hall, out of the school, and to my house, with the school faculty running after me.
      Eventually, they couldn't run after me anymore. I quickly unlocked the door to my house, and ran inside.
      I wish that this was the only bad thing that happened, but more happens quickly after.

Can't Be Found... (Book 1 of the "Can't Be Found..." trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now