Chapter 2

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      I hated getting out of bed the next morning! I didn't want to risk having another bad day at school! I wish I had the choice to stay home, but I didn't want to start the school year by skipping the second day, so I had to get up.
      Just like yesterday, I ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, got dressed, and headed out the door. As I stood at the bus stop, I started to think about all of those kids staring at me the day before. It scared me to think about what they were saying. Eventually, I had to get my mind to shut up about the whole thing.
      Very secretly, I used my telekinesis to get my phone out of my backpack, and I texted Veronica.
"Hey Veronica! How are you doing?" I texted her.
Five minutes later, I find out that she hasn't texted me back. That's odd, she usually texts me back immediately. I guess she is busy.
After standing at the bus stop for like 20 minutes, the bus comes. When I stepped onto the bus, people were staring at me weird again! This is really starting to tick me off. I sigh, and I sit down in an empty seat.
      When I got off the bus and went to first period, I saw Veronica looking at me. This time, she wasn't giving me a weird look, she was giving me a furious look. Like she wanted to kill me right on the spot. Then all of a sudden, Veronica came up to me, with fury written all over her face.
"Why the crap would you do that!" Veronica said to me furiously.
"What do you mean?" I say back to her.
"You know what I mean! First, you call William an idiot, and then you punch him in the face! I can't believe this! This is so unlike you!" Veronica says.
William is the smartest kid at school. He makes really good grades, but people call him a nerd. Now, people think that I beat him up? No wonder people were staring at me like I was a freak.
      "What!? No I didn't! Who told you that?" I said.
      "Brandi did, and she never lies about ANYTHING!" Veronica said back.
      No wonder nobody believed me. Brandi Robinson is one of the popular girls who acts like she is so innocent. She acts innocent around everybody except me, and now apparently William.
      "Um.... I have to go to the bathroom...." I say to Veronica as I run out the door.
      I can't believe Brandi would do this to me! I mean, Brandi is a real jerk, but I never knew she would go this far!
As I ran out of the classroom, I saw something I thought I would never see in my life, Brandi and Kate punching William in the face.

🤗🤗I wanted the big plot point to happen in this chapter, but it would be WAY too long. Chapter 3 will come soon! 🤗🤗
Shoutout to RileighAnn200!

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