I. Just. Can't.

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So. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. So. SO.  SOOOOO. my deranged husband cheated on me and is trying to take custody of my kids. 

I'm curled into a ball. On the floor. Glory's poking me. Sunny's poking Glory. And my kids are poking each other. 

Also Anemone exists. She's in the room, pacing back and forth. 

Sunny stands up. "We need a plan," she announces. 

oh no. no no no no no. I hate plans. NO PLANS! 

I slink out of the caves and fly outside. I can see the whole kingdom. I can see our little tiny islands. I CAN SEE IT ALL. 

I fly to one of the islands and sit down. Water lapping at my feet and the scorching sand against my scales, it's perfect. I lie down. How great would it be if I woke up and this was a dream? I pinched myself. Pain shot through me. Nope, nope, nope.  Not a dream. 

I sigh, and fly back to the caves. 

Sunny spots me and screeches, "TSU!" 

Glory proceeds to hand me a scroll. 

 I scan through it. 

1. divorce riptide

2. get custody of the kids

3. lock up riptide. 

4. murder him

5. Glory wrote murder him. That wasn't us. 

"No." I snap. "I'm not doing this." 

Glory bares her magic spit teeth at me. 

I hate my friends. 

Anemone hops up. "Can I kill him?" 

Glory glares at her. "I will." 

And now my sister and friend are fighting over who gets to murder my husband. That's wonderful. 

yay? I let out a sigh. 

I. Just. Can't. Do. This. 

Screw riptide. 

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