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(Miss Shamock is seen entering the classroom with her usual bright smile)

Students: (All stand up and greet in uniform) Bonjour, mademoiselle Shamock.

Miss Shamock: Bonjour, comment ca va?

Students: Ca va bien merci, et vous?

Miss Shamock: Ca va bien, asseyez vous.

Alero: Nous nous assayons.

Miss Shamock: Bravo! Repete apres elle.

Malory: Why, mademoiselle.

Miss Shamock: Don't be rude Malory and in French class we only speak French.

Malory: Oh alors, pourquoi?

Miss Shamock: Pas-que cest necessaire.

Malory: Zut!

Miss Shamock: Je dit repete apres elle!

Students: Nous nous assayons

Miss Shamock: Encore?

Students: Nous nous assayons (said the students in a louder and clearer voice)

Miss Shamock: Malory, se leve!

Malory: (reluctantly stood up)

Miss Shamock: Repete apres Alero

Malory: Nous nous asseyez

Miss Shmaock: Asseyez? Mal essayer! Alero repete- il.

Alero: Je dit nous nous assayons

Miss Shamock: Bravo! Malory, repeat what Alero just said.

Malory: Nous nous assayons! (No one could quantify the rage Malory was feeling at that moment but then she had a mischievous plan, which made her carry this evil grin on her face at least for the rest of the day)

(Lights out) 

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