September 15th

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 "Great game, Dom. If it weren't for you the other team would've scored on every shot they took." The Dragons had trounced the Manticores, and Eli couldn't help but think that hopefully this wouldn't hurt the fragile peace that now existed between himself and Caelum. Caelum hadn't even been in the game, due to his injuries from the dragon and the fight, but Eli knew he'd be upset. Eli explained the punishments they'd been given to Dom, and he'd been sympathetic, reassuring Eli that Caelum had started the fight and that Eli would have served the punishment before he knew it.

Eli stopped, midway through pulling off his jersey. "Dom?"

Dom was scrolling through something on his phone. "Sorry, what? Yeah, that was a good game." He tapped his phone. "Hey, do you want to see this video?"

Eli looked over Dom's shoulder. "Is that me?" It was unmistakably him, passed out on his bathroom floor.

"Yeah, I thought you might want to see this. I took it after the Salus Day celebration."

"Dom-" Eli swore under his breath.

"Shh." Dom glanced at the gaggle of other boys near them, carousing and congratulating each other on a game well played. "Do you want them to hear?"

Eli blanched. "Dom, delete that video." He struggled to keep his voice low.


"Why? Because if anyone sees that I'll get in trouble! I know what I did was a mistake, but that doesn't mean I won't get punished for it! They'll- I don't know what they'll do. They'll probably kick me off the soccer team, and forget learning to drive, they'll take my permit away! Once Dr. Nichols gives it back, that is. I'm not proud of what I did, but, please, just give me a chance."

"They'd punish you that badly?" Dom raised his eyebrows.

"Considering that what I did was illegal..." Eli reached for Dom's phone. "Please, delete that."

Dom turned his phone off before Eli could grab it. "Don't worry, I won't show anyone. I'll even delete it." He held up his finger before Eli could say anything. "If."

Eli's eyes narrowed. "If what?"

"If you help me. I have a lot of questions about Salus, Eli, and most of them are ones I can't ask Dr. Nichols. I need you to help me get answers to those questions."


"Also, if you could help me figure out how to get rid of all the restrictions on my phone, that would be great."

"I don't know how to do that."

"We can figure it out together."

Eli shook his head. "What are you doing, Dom?"

Dom shrugged. "Me? I'm just doing what I was told to do. Nobody else can know about it, and if you tell them..." He tapped his phone. "And I've emailed the video to myself, so don't get any ideas about sabotaging this."

Eli bit his lip. "Are you blackmailing me?"

Dom grinned. "Yep. I need you to get something for me."

September in SalusWhere stories live. Discover now