September 19, Pt. 1

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 "Salusians, we have been given reason to believe that an attack may be imminent. As you well know, we are much safer here in Salus than anywhere we could flee to, so we will remain put until further notice. However, if the alarm sounds, proceed to the tunnel immediately." Dr. Nichols' face was set like stone, and there was no trace of his usual friendliness in his voice. "Pass this message along to any who aren't present here. Thank you." Without another word, he strode out of the cafeteria.

There were several cold seconds of silence before people turned to each other and began whispering. Caelum had had a long conversation with Dr. Nichols the night before, explaining his illicit trip to Denver and the man he'd met there. They had agreed that though the details of the encounter shouldn't be shared, it would be prudent to warn the Salusians to be on guard.

Caelum pushed away his bowl of cereal, his appetite gone. Victoria gave him a reproachful look. "You have to eat. If something happens, you're going to need all your strength."

Caelum reluctantly pulled his bowl toward himself again and ate a few spoonfuls. "Better?"

Instead of replying, Victoria just sighed. "Caelum, I'm worried about you. If someone- or something- attacks, you're going to be one of the people fighting it, aren't you?"

Caelum shrugged. "Maybe. I don't know if Dr. Nichols would let me fight. Then again, it's not like he could do anything to keep me from fighting."

Victoria gave him another look, so Caelum made a show of ignoring her and picking the marshmallows out of his Lucky Charms.

"Caelum, I'm serious! We don't know when something might attack, and I'm worried about you! You have to be care-" She broke off, looking around. "Do you feel that?"

"Feel what?" The magical energy in the air didn't feel any different than it had a second ago.

"I don't know, but I-"

The alarm went off.

September in SalusWhere stories live. Discover now