Chapter 1

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'Click,' 'click,' 'click,' I make with my tongue using the echolocation method to navigate through life and everywhere I go. I'm making my way from my bedroom on the main floor to the bathroom that is located in my room to relieve my bursting bladder; which I do relieve and then wash my hands, face and teeth before combing my hair and then exit the bathroom to dress before making my way to the kitchen.

Entering the kitchen, I listen to daddy and papa talking with my two younger sisters and younger brother. Daddy and papa adopted me when I was 4 years old when my birth mother dropped me off at a fire department claiming she couldn't handle caring for a blind child any longer; I was 3 years old when she dropped me off and was there for a year because no one it seemed wanted a blind child. Papa is Jace Wilson and daddy is Ryan Wilson.

"Morning," I say to the five of them as I sit down at one of the chairs at the table.

"Morning Kai," they greet back as papa kisses the top of my head. How might I know its papa and not daddy? Easy-peasy, papa and daddy wear different cologne's; daddy wears Old Spice and papa wears Axe.

"Sleep well?" daddy asks as he kisses the top of my head as he places my plate of food on the table in front of me.

"Yeah, thanks for breakfast daddy."

"Welcome. Pancakes with butter and syrup are at the top, two stripes of bacon on the left and scrambled eggs on the right."

"Kenzey, when's your next band concert?" daddy asks as the twins, Rosie and Remi chatter in their twin language even at 4 years old.

"Next Saturday night," Kenzey replies; she plays the flute and has since her sixth grade year and she's in ninth this year. I love listening to her practice at home and at concerts.

After the breakfast dishes are placed in the dishwasher and it's turned on, daddy takes Kenzey to school and the twins to daycare before he heads to work. Daddy owns and operates a car mechanic garage and papa is a novelist and he works from home as well as homeschooling me. I'm a senior this year and once we're done with my lessons after four hours, either papa and I or just papa will pick the twins up from daycare.

Where are the manners that were taught to me; my name is Kai (pronounced Ky) James Wilson and I'm 16 years old. I'm told I have dirty-blond hair with blue eyes but I have no idea since I've never seen either color. I'm 5 feet 7 inches tall and skinny like a dancer and a tongue piercing; which I had done for my 16th birthday.

Once I graduate from high school at the end of this school year, I'm doing a two year degree from home to become a certified artist; I have a section in the basement filled with my paintings; which is also my little art studio. I'm hoping one day to have a gallery showing but I don't think that will ever happen.

"Bye baby," daddy says before kissing papa's lips.

"Bye babe."

"Kai, have a good day," daddy tells me kissing my temple.

"Bye daddy, bye Kenz, Remi and Rosie."

Clicking my way to papa's home office in order to work on my schooling when all I want to do is paint as papa follows me into the room asking; "Kai, ready for today?"

"I guess," I sigh sitting down opposite side and end of papa at his desk as the both of us start working; him on his current novel.

"Just for four hours and then you can paint while I pick the twins up."

"Yeah, okay," I sigh opening my calculus book and begin working.

About thirty minutes later, I'm stuck on the last freaking problem; "Papa can you help please?"

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