Chapter 5

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Mikhail's P.O.V.

Kai has been in a medically induced coma for the last two weeks; well one week and two days but who is counting, me and his family. His family was understandably pissed, worried and angry when they were called by the couple who accidently hit him; his parents were pissed at me due to him being along on the road and walking home because of my brother's harsh words and I wasn't focused on Kai.

Kai's injuries were horrible but non-life threatening but because of his low pain tolerance, the doctor decided that it was in his best interest to place him in the coma to allow his body to heal and not pump him full of medicine. The doctor is due to wake him tomorrow morning and his injuries are a broken left elbow and left wrist, a fractured left hip, a concussion and internal bleeding that the doctor surgically corrected.

Despite my parents protests and Kai's, I haven't left his side the entire time; his parents calmed down eventually and have forgiven me but I haven't forgiven myself; his parents calmed down after two days. I've slept, showered and ate here in his hospital room the entire time, refusing to leave his side anymore.

"Mikhail," Jace's voice tentatively says as he enters the room in fresh clothes from freshly his shower at his home. Jace has been staying here too except to shower at home.

I bring my red puffy eyes to meet his, responding with a gruff; "Yes Jace?"

I already know what he's going to say; he's going to try and convince me to head home for a few hours to sleep in my bed and shower there as well. "Head home to sleep and shower for the next few hours, the doctor isn't going to wake Kai until 8 a.m. tomorrow."

Shaking my head sadly at him, he and Ryan might have forgiven me but I haven't; "No, I can't leave him; I need to be here for him."

Jace sighs as he pulls another chair over to sit beside me; "Mikhail, you know Kai knows you've been here. You need to worry about yourself for one night; Kai won't be awake for another twelve hours."

"I appreciate your concern but I can't ever leave him ever again; that is if he even wants me in his life after all of this," I murmur as fresh batches of tears make an appearance.

"Mikhail, look at me," he demands softly with a gentle hand on my shoulder as I'm holding one of Kai's limp hands in mine.

Inhaling deeply and slowly letting it out shakily as I turn my attention back to Jace from Kai's beautifully pale face. Jace smiles softly at me with a light squeeze on my shoulder; "Kai loves you and he still will when he's awake in the morning. He might be a tad upset for a while but he'll come around sooner than you think. Yes, he may have some insecurities about himself but you've been proving yourself to him and us the entire time."

I hum at him in response, letting him know I've heard his words; honestly I'm scared shitless that when Kai wakes he'll not want me here or around him and demand I leave. Sighing heavily as I respond; "Honestly I'm terrified he's going to yell and scream at me with tears; that he won't want me around him any longer."

"Yes I will," Kai's gravelly voice murmurs groggily; causing Jace and I to snap our heads in his direction with small gasps.

"Kai," I murmur shocked he's awake before he's supposed too; also surprised by his words.

"Baby boy, how are you feeling?" Jace asks him softly as he stands to gently brush Kai's fringe away from his forehead.

"Sore, what happened?" he whispers blinking his eyes rapidly; as if his eyes are bothering him.

Jace presses the red call button while saying; "That's to be expected, you had a concussion; you're left elbow and wrist are broken, a fractured left hip and surgery to fix some internal bleeding."

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