Chapter 3

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"Holy fuck," I whisper to no one in particular as papa walks Carmen to her car, quietly talking to her as I sit in my chair in complete shock.

"What's the matter big brother?" Kenzey asks startling me from my thoughts.

"Um, nothing really, just um, papa's publisher just bought six of my paintings for $1, 800," I murmur in awe.

"Whoa, that's a lot; what are you going to do with the money?"

Not needing any time to think oven an answer, I respond quickly with; "Easy; giving it all to daddy and papa since they've bought all the painting supplies. The money is theirs not mine."

"Wrong my darling son, the money belongs to you," papa insists returning to the kitchen. "Daddy and I want you to use the money for whatever you need; there is no reason to pay us back for the supplies."

"Papa, I can't keep this when it is rightfully yours," I insist pouting lightly.

"How about we discuss this with daddy when he arrives home?" papa suggests giving me a kiss on the top of my head.

"Alright," I grumble knowing damn well I'm going to lose his battle.

Kenzey giggles knowingly as she digs through the fridge for her and her friend to have something to eat and drink before dinner. "Oh hush," I giggle; mood lightening some.

"Want to help cook dinner, Kai?" papa asks while digging through the pantry.

"Sure, what are we making?" I ask standing from my chair to stand next to him at the pantry.

"How does chicken fettuccini alfredo sound?

"Perfect," I cheer bouncing on my feet some since that is another favorite dinner of mine.

"Alright then, here carry this to the counter by the stove," he tells me handing me a box of alfredo noodles and two jars of alfredo sauces.

Walking to the counter where I place the items as papa joins me with spices as he pulled out the chicken to thaw while we prepare everything else.

"Hello my beautiful family!" daddy greets us as he enters the house.

"Daddy!" Rosie and Remi holler crashing into daddy's legs causing him to grunt at the contact.

"Hello my little darlings; how was your day?" he asks them as the three of them enter the kitchen together while he carries them.

"Good, Kai sold paintings!" Remi informs daddy with a giggle.

"Did he now?" he asks with a proud tone.

"Yes, six paintings!" Rosie continues for Remi.

"Wow, that's awesome!" daddy praises me causing my cheeks to ignite in a fiery blush. "Well done Kai, I'm very proud of you," daddy praises gently patting me on the shoulder after he places the twins on their feet.

"Thanks daddy," I murmur embarrassed.

"Hi baby," daddy greets papa as they kiss.

"Hi babe," papa returns after they separate.

"So babe, Kai believes he's giving us the whole amount he was paid," papa tells him; well I guess I don't have to tell him.

"Nope, not happening; that money is yours to do with as you please."

Smirking at his words, I found a loop-hole; "Then I would be pleased to give it to you and papa."

"Funny Kai but still no," daddy responds with a slight chuckle.

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