1// The Beginning

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'Dan he's toxic, the only answer is to kill him'

'No. Phil's okay. It'll be fine. I promise.'

Dan sighed, looking up as the train pulled into the crowded station. He wanted nothing more than to be able to shut out his demons, but it was as though they were controlling his thoughts and mind.

Ignoring them as best as he could, he started to search the growing masses for his friend.

Eventually, he spotted a familiar mop of black hair, accompanied by the grin that Dan had grown to love over the last few months.

When Phil spotted him, he started pushing through the crowds, running as fast as he could towards the brunette on the opposite side of the swarm of travelers.

Dan too started pushing past people, ignoring the sneers and grimaces flung at him, until he reached Phil.

For a moment, all was silent in Dans mind. It was as though there was a protective bubble around the pair, blocking out the noise of the crowd and Dans own mind.

Phil made the first move, dropping his bag and flinging himself into Dan's arms. Dan clung to Phil as though his life depended on this embrace, as though this brief contact was the only thing tethering Dan to reality.

When they finally broke apart, the voices flooded back into Dans minds.

'End this foolery Daniel. Kill him'

'Yes, kill him. His blood on your hands, and his screams ringing through the air shall bring an end to your suffering.'

While he wasn't proud of it, Dan actually considered this.

'Will that really make you go away?' he thought, entertaining the possibility.

'Oh yes Daniel. Kill him and we will leave you. All you have to do is kill him.'

After a moment of consideration, Dan shook himself out of this stupor.

'No. I won't. Phil is my friend. I trust him.'

Turning his attention back to Phil, Dan took a moment to bask in the others beauty.

Phil had porcelain white skin, jet black hair, and the most amazing eyes Dan had ever seen. They appeared to change colors from blue to green, to yellow. Dan loved them. Not that he would ever admit to this, but he loved Phil as well.

"Dan? Are you okay?" Phil gave Dan an anxious glance, ignoring the fact that he had been staring at him with an almost predatory gaze.

"Uh Y-Yes" Dan stuttered, looking away from Phil.

'Just kill him already Daniel, he's not worth it'.

'No, he's my friend, I can't' Snapping back to reality, Dan looks at Phil with a dimpled smile.

"Let's go back to my flat" grabbing Phil's arm and started making their way through the over crowded station.


They pull into the driveway of their new flat. Phil gets out to open the boot and grab his bags, Dan helps him.

"You don't have to help"

"I know, but I want to" Dan says smiling a little grabbing the last bag and closing the back. Dan grabs his key from his pocket and unlocks the door letting Phil inside. He sees Dans bags and sets his down next to his, Dan doing the same thing.

"You hungry?" Dan asks raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah I guess, it was a long train ride"

"Sandwiches?" Dan walks to the kitchen being followed closely by Phil. Dan turns around, making Phil bump into him. Both of them blush as Phil nods his head.

"Y-yeah sandwiches sound n-nice" he said scratching the back of his head still blushing. Phil walks to the bar stools and sits himself down.

Dan turns around to grab ingredients to make their food. He grabs a knife to cut the sandwiches.

'You have a chance to kill him Dan, do it, kill him'.

'No, I'm not going to do that, so just fu-'

Dan's thoughts are interrupted.

"You need help?"

"Oh, uh, n-no I'm finished anyway" Dan replies with a small smile.

"Oh, mkay"


After they've eaten, they grab their luggage and head to one of the two bed rooms to settle in.

'You had the chance to kill him Daniel, why didn't you?"

'Because! Phil is my friend, My soulmate...'

'You're pathetic Daniel' Dan sighs, slipping on a shirt and putting his pajama bottoms on.

Lion <3: Goodnight bear ^_^ <3

A smile creeps up Dan's face.

To Lion <3: goodnight lion :D <33

Locking his phone he places it down on the bedside table, still smiling and falls asleep almost immediately.

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