3// Jordan

23 3 5

Trigger Warning: Gore, Torture, Blood
Dan and Jordan had hung out a few times since their first meeting, and each time Dan saw the other man, it made him more angry, the urge to kill him growing harder to resist.

'It's time Daniel.'

'Yes. Philip is out of town.'

'You can do it tonight.'

'After tonight, Philip will finally be yours.'

'All yours.'

'All mine...'


The plan was already set in motion. Jordan was coming over later 'for a few drinks'.

Dan was in the kitchen, gathering 'materials' for later that night, when he was struck by a sudden thought.

'I can't do this here. I'll have to find somewhere else.'

'Daniel, there's an abandoned warehouse just a few streets over. It would be the perfect place.'

'Yes. The perfect place...'

'Yes Daniel'

Dan grabs a bag and put his 'materials' in it. Dan feels a little vibration from his pocket, it was his phone. It was a message from Jordan.

Jordan: Hey what time do u want me to come over?

Dan hesitates a bit but tries to keep calm

Dan: I'll just pick u up at 4?

Jordan: k

Dan shoved his phone back in his pocket, but not before checking the time. It was 2pm. He had plenty of time to prepare. His plan was working, he has gained a lot of Jordan's trust. Now it was time to end him.


It was 3:56 in the afternoon, Dan was driving to Jordan's flat.

Not too much longer before he would be out of the way. Until there was no one in the way of him and Phil. There will no longer be a Jordan after tonight. Jordan will no longer have a place in Phil's life. Phil will be Dan's forever.


It was 4:20, Dan has finally picked up Jordan. They were now heading to the place where Jordan will be killed, and will finally leave Dan and his soulmate alone .Dan passes his and Phil's flat.

"We just passed your flat, where are we going?" Jordan asks in confusion.

'Ugh, that idiotic face of his'

"We just need to quickly stop somewhere to buy groceries, Phil has been telling me to get them" Dan replies.

"Ohh okay, Lion can be a bit demanding sometimes but I love him" he says blushing a little.


'Not now Daniel'

'Wait until you get to the warehouse'


"Um Dan, we just passed the store," Jordan said, starting to feel a little anxious. Dan had this look on his face, a look that Jordan couldn't quite place. It seemed almost... maniacal.

When Dan finally stopped the car, it was in front of a large, run-down building.

"Dan?" Jordan cowered against the seat, seeing the look on Dans face. Dan looked insane, his eyes wide, his mouth twisted into a sneer.

"Oh Jordan. Jordan Jordan Jordan. You're probably wondering why we're here."

Dan pauses, taking a moment to bask in the glory of the other man's fear. He could practically feel waves of it crashing through the car, and this filled him with a sense of satisfaction.

He was the reason Jordan was cowering in his seat, horrified, and soon, he would be the reason Jordan was dead.

"Dan, I don't know what the fuck you're doing, but you better not lay a goddamn finger on me, or so help me god-"

Dan couldn't take it anymore. He lunged at Jordan, slamming his head against the window of the car, knocking him out.


When Jordan finally came to, the first thing he noticed was the sharp, stabbing pain in his head.

"Hello Jordan."

Jordan jerked his head to the side, attempting to turn over, but soon discovered that he was strapped to a large metal table. To his left, he saw a wall covered in knives of various shapes and sizes. And to his right, he saw Dan.

"I suppose you're wondering why you're strapped to a table, correct?"

Jordan nodded, not trusting himself enough to speak.

"Well you see, I get quite jealous. Especially when someone touches something of mine. In your case, that's Phil."

"Phil belongs to me Jordan. And I hate it when people touch my things. So now you've got to go."

Jordan stayed silent, not knowing how to respond. Dan was fucking insane.

Dan slowly walked over to the wall of knives, selecting a long blade. He made his way back over to the table, the blade in his hand.

Jordan let out a whimper as the other man drag the blade of the knife slowly, but firmly, across his throat. The cut wasn't deep enough to kill him, but it was deep enough to draw blood.

Despite the pain, Jordan held in his whimpers. He wasn't going to give Dan the satisfaction.

But that didn't stop Dan. He moved the blade from Jordan's neck, slowly down chest, pushing down firmly.

Dan smiled savagely as he heard Jordan whimper, and pushed the blade down harder.

When Dans blade reached Jordan's navel, he removed the knife from Jordan's skin, and his gaze traveled to a large butcher knife on the wall.

Smirking, Dan grabbed the large knife, an idea forming in his mind.

"Now Jordan, this may hurt a bit, but that isn't really going to matter after today."

Without warning, Dan brought the knife down on Jordan's knee, severing his lower leg from the rest of his body.

Jordan, unable to hold back any more, let out a shriek, the pain so immense.

Dan repeated this process with Jordan's other leg, smiling at his handy work.

He then retrieved the smaller knife, slicing Jordan's shirt right down the middle so he had a clear view of his chest.

With the smaller knife, he then began to carve pieces of Jordan's flesh out of his chest, causing Jordan to scream in agony.

"P-please j-just put me out of my m-misery" Jordan begged, not able to take the pain any longer.

Dan smirked, an idea forming in his mind.

He grabbed the biggest knife off the wall and slowly walked back towards the table.

"Okay Jordan. But I hope you know this won't be a fast death. I want you to suffer for everything you've done."

Jordan whimpered, terrified of what else Dan might do to him.

Ignoring the other mans sound of distress, Dan placed the blade against Jordan's side, slowly digging it into his skin.

Jordan screamed, this pain worse than any other he had ever experienced. The sensation of being slowly cut in half was a horrible one, and it was the last thing Jordan ever felt.

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