Chapter III: the Plan

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"You will go. You will find the Fairy Godmother and you will bring me back her magic wand." Maleficent ordered "Easy peasy."
"What's in it for us?" Mal asked.
"Matching thrones, hers and hers crowns."
"Uumm, I-I think she meant us." Carlos corrected, gesturing to himself and the rest of the Vks. Maleficent just looked at him before standing up.
"It's all about you and me baby." she said.
"Do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer?"
"Well yeah. I mean, who doesn't?" Mal answered.
"Well then get me the wand! And you and I can see all that and so much more." she said.
"And with that wand and with my scepter, I will be able to bend both good and evil to my will!"
"Our will!" Evil Queen corrected. The other villains nodded in agreement.
"Our will, our will." Maleficent replied. She then turned back to Mal.
"And if you refuse..." she paused "you're grounded for the rest of your life, missy."
"What? Mom!"
Maleficent quickly shut her up. They then started a staring contest, both their eyes glowing green. After attempting to hold her mother's gaze for several seconds, Mal finally gave in.
"Ugh, fine! Whatever."
"I win."
"Don't worry. You'll beat her one day." Skye assured her friend.
"Evie!" Evil Queen beckoned her daughter over.
"My little evil-ette in training. You just find yourself a prince with a big castle and a mother-in-law wing, and lots-"
"And lots of mirrors." Evie finnished, laughing as she completed the sentence.
"No laughing! Wrinkles." Evil Queen scolded. Evie's smile fell.
"Well, they're not taking my Carlos because I'd miss him too much." Cruella stated.
"Really?" Carlos asked with a hopefull smile.
"Yes! Who would touch up my roots, fluff my fur and scrape the bunions of my feet!"
"Maybe going to Auradon isn't such a bad idea." Carlos mumbled.
"They have dogs there." Cruella noted.
"Oh, no! I'm not going!" he shouted in panic.
"Well, Jay isn't going either. I need him to stock the shelves in my store." Jafar said. He then turned to his son.
"What did you score?"
Jay started to empty his pockets but there was only one thing that interested Jafar: a kettle that looked very similar to a magic lamp. Jafar immediately dropped everything and started rubbing it.
"Dad, I already tried." Jay said. Jafar dropped the lamp in disapointment.
"Ace here is definitely not going to Auradon." Queen of Hearts said.
"Thank you mom." Ace said, happy his mother supported him.
"After all, who else am I going to send out to punish those peasants?" she said.
"And here I thought she cared." Ace mumbled.
"Evie's not going anywhere until we get rid of this unibrow." Evil Queen said. Evie quickly checked her eyebrows, worried about her mother's statement.
"And I need Skye here to fetch me my snacks." Scar stated, since the enprisonment on the Isle had stripped him of the ability to change back into a lion, leaving him stuck as a lean man with long black hair slicked back and a scar above his left eye. He proceeded to turn to Skye and beckon her over.
"Did you catch anything?"
"Sorry dad." Skye said, flinching slightly. A disapointed frown formed on Scar's face.
"Honestly, why do I even bother with you?" he sighed in annoyance.
"What is wrong with you all?!" Maleficent said, drawing everyone's attention to her.
"People used to cower at the mention of our names! For 20 years, I've searched for a way off this island. For 20 years they have robbed us of our revenge." she then turned to face Evil Queen.
"Revenge on Snow White and her horrible little men!"
"Oh!" Evil Queen said, remembering the dwarves.
"Revenge on Aladdin and his bloated genie!"
"I will-"
"Pop" Jay quickly cut his dad off.
"Revenge on Simba and his band of grub-eating savages!"
"Yes! The throne will be mine!" Scar replied, his thirst for power returning swiftly.
"Revenge on every sneaky dalmatian that escaped your clutches!"
"Oh, but they didn't get baby. They didn't get the... They didn't get the baby!" Cruella cackled like a maniac while squeezing the stuffed toy on her shoulder.
"Revenge on Alice and her half-wit hatter!"
"I'll have her head!" Queen of Hearts shouted, her face red with anger.
"And I, Maleficent, the evilest of them all, will finally get my revenge on Sleeping Beauty and her relentless little prince!" she finnished, while seating on Evil Queen's lap and taking her magic mirror.
"Yes?" they all replied.
"Our day has come." she said, as she got off of Evil Queen's lap and gave her back the magic mirror.
"Evil Queen, give her the magic mirror."
She nodded as she handed the mirror to Evie.
"This is your magic mirror?" Evie asked.
"Yes. Well, it ain't what it used to be, but then again, neither are we." she pauses in amusement before continuing "It will help you find things."
"Like a prince?"
"Like my waistline."
"Like the magic wand, hellooo!" Maleficent reminded them.
"Hello."Evil Queen replied, not understanding Maleficent. The mistress of evil sighed before standing up.
"My spell book. My book. I need my... that book." she said while pacing, trying to remember where she put it.
"The safe." Queen of Hearts reminded her. She quickly walked towards the freezer and attempted to open it.
"Scar, help me! I never can figure this thing out."
Scar stood up and opened the freezer with ease.
"My spell... come on. Where is it? Ah, there it is!" She took her spell book and placed it on a table, beckoning Mal over.
"It doesn't work here, but it will in Auradon." she explained.
"Remember when we were spreading evil and ruining lives?"
"Like it was yesterday." Evil Queen answered. Maleficent turned to Mal.
"And now you will be making your own memories. By doing exactly as I tell you."
She handed Mal the book before walking off.
"Whoo! Let's get this party started!" Jay cheered.
"Hear, hear!" Ace added.
"Carlos, come!" Cruella called, as if Carlos were a dog.
"Auradon, here I come!" Skye said while cracking her knuckles.
"Who is the fairest of them all?" Evil Queen asked her daughter.
"You." Evie corrected herself.
"Yes. Let's go."
"Now, recite our mantra." Jafar told his son once they were outside.
"There's no team in «I»"
"Oh, run along. You're making me tear up." Jafar said, while pretending to rub his eyes.
"My bag." Jay remembered.
"Yeah." Jafar answered while attempting to steal some of the objects on the table.
"Now remember. You've got a chance to win back the throne of Wonderland. Don't fail, because if you do..." Queen of Hearts warned her son.
"Off with my head. Don't worry mom. I got this." Ace replied.
Scar pulled his daughter aside.
"Remember the mark on your shoulder?" he asked.
"The roaring lion? Yup."
"That mark contains the magic of your other form. Once you leave, it will reawaken and you'll be able to use it." he explained. Skye nodded in understanding.
"Once the barrier is broken I will be free too. Then, I'll destroy Auradon. You've got one shot. Don't waste it! Or I'll show you why the lion is the king of the wild." he told her. Skye nodded quickly, assuring her father that she understood the consequences.
Maleficent talked to Mal on the balcony.
"The future of the free world rests on your shoulders. Don't blow it!"
She then let Mal go down to the limo.
"Ah! Smells like common folk." Evil Queen said as she joined Maleficent on the balcony.
"Carlos! Come back here now!" Cruella yelled as she chased her son.
"Carlos!" Jay called. Carlos quickly threw his bag in the trunk of the limo before running to its door.
"Go! Go! Go!" Ace shouted as he held the door open before jumping inside with Jay and Carlos.
"Carlos! Ingrate."
Mal walked out of the house and handed her bag over. She looked up at her mother on the balcony before entering the limo.
"The jackals have landed." the driver said into his pager.
"Bring home the gold!" Jafar called out to Jay.
"Bring home their heads!" Queen of Hearts called out to Ace.
"Bring home a puppy!" Cruella called out to Carlos.
"Bring home a zebra!" Scar called out to Skye.
"Bring home a prince!" Evil Queen called out to Evie.

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