Chapter VI: School

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The next day, the VKs were sitting in their first class of the day, Remedial Goodness 101. The teacher of said class, Fairy Godmother herself, was asking them questions.
"You find a puppy with an injured paw. Do you A, leave it there; B, take care of it; or do you C, put it down?"
Skye put her hand up in boredom while the others except Mal were thinking very hard about the question.
"B, take care of it."
"Correct. Now, someone hands you a baby. Do you A, curse it; B, lock it in a tower; C, give it a bottle; or D, carve out its heart?" Fairy Godmother questioned as she wrote the choices down on the board. Evie quickly raised her hand.
"What was the second one?" she asked with a smile.
"Oh, okay. Anyone else?" Fairy Godmother asked before turning to Mal.
Mal looked up from her elaborate sketch of the magic wand.
"C, give it a bottle."
"Correct, again." Fairy Godmother told her with a smile.
"Damm! You two are on fire, girls!" Carlos commented.
"Just pick the ones that don't sound like any fun." Skye explained. Mal nodded in agreement before returning to her sketch.
"Oh! That actually makes sense." Ace said.
Suddenly, they heard a squeak. They turned around to see Sophie accompanied by a smaller girl in a light blue dress, her brown hair forming a bob.
"Oh. Hello, dear ones." Fairy Godmother said to the girls.
The girl in blue squeaked again as she hurried past the VKs. Sophie simply rolled her eyes, a smirk on her face.
"Hi. You need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation." she said to the headmistress. She took the papers before talking to her class.
"Everyone here remembers my daughter Jane?"
"Mom, no!"
"It's okay. Jane, this is everyone." Fairy Godmother said. Jane just stared in panic.
"Oh come on, Jane! Be nice and introduce yourself ." Sophie told her in amusement.
"Hi. That's okay. Don't mind me. As you were."
She then hurried out of the room, squeaking as she walked past the VKs. Sophie shook her head smiling before walking out. As she walked past Ace, she dropped a little piece of paper on his lap. He picked it up with curiosity. 'Meet me later under the bleachers;)' it read. He tucked in his pocket with a smile.
Fairy Godmother then continued with the questions.
"You find a vial of poison. Do you A, put it in the king's wine; do you B, paint it on an apple; or do you C, turn it over to the proper authorities?"
The three boys all put their hands up. However, Jay pulled Carlos' hand down while kicking Ace in the shin in order to be the one to answer.
"Turn it over to the authorities." he answered while letting Carlos go.
"I was gonna say that!" Carlos complained while rubbing his sore hand.
"What he said." Ace agreed, rubbing his leg to ease the pain.
"But I said it first." Jay said before grabbing both of their heads and tucking them beneath his arms.
"Ah! Ow, stop!"
"Come on! Who said it first, huh? Who said it first?!"
"Boys, boys, boys!" Fairy Godmother called. Making the fighting stop.
"I'm going to encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field."
"Oh, that's okay. Whatever that is we'll... we'll pass." Carlos answered, sitting up straighter.


Later on the tourney field, the shrill whistle of the coach could be heard loud and clear.
"Jay, Ben, Ace, Finn, offense. Chad, Holden, you're defense. Taylor, shooter." the coach ordered.
"Right coach."
The coach then turned to Carlos, who was standing in the middle of the killzone without knowing where to go.
"Hey! You, lost boy! Put your helmet on. Get out of the killzone!"
"The killzone, wha...?"
"Come on. Pick it up. Two hands. Move."
Carlos hesitantly followed his instructions. The coach then blew his whistle, starting the game. Jay and Ace set off after the ball. Ace got to it first and started running past the other players. He came face to face with an opponent with a shield. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jay nod to him. Ace gave a slight nod back before quickly dishing the ball to Jay. Jay took it and ran through the killzone, dodging the artillery with ease. He then ran straight towards Carlos.
"No! Wait! Jay! It's me, ah!" he yelled in fear before getting tossed aside.
Ace and Jay quickly ran forward. Ace got in front of the goal and crouched down. As he came to him, Jay rolled over Ace's back, shooting the ball into the goal as he landed, scoring in the most stylish way possible.
"Yeeehah!" they shouted, celebrating their victory.
"Hey! Get over here." the coach called. Everyone moved towards him.
"What do you call that?"
Jay and Ace started hanging their heads down, afraid they'd get kicked from the team.
"I call that raw talent! Welcome to the team, sons. Come find me later. I'll show you something you haven't seen before, it's called a rule book." the coach said with enthusiasm.
He then turned to Carlos.
"You ever thought about band?"
Holden and Ben walked up, placing a hand on Carlos' shoulders.
"Don't worry, coach. We'll work with him." Ben said.
"We'll make a tourney player out of him. You can be sure of it." Holden assured.
The team then walked away, Jay and Ace bumping Chad's shoulders on the way out.
Ace headed towards the bleachers.
"Hey there." he greeted.
Sophie turned to face him, a smile stretching across her face.
"Hi. Glad you accepted my invitation. By the way, sorry about the location. Not the best for a meetup but I thought it would be convenient for both of us, since you were trying out for the team and I had cheer practice." she explained hurriedly.
"Don't worry. It's fine. What did you wanna talk about?"
"I just wanted to get to know you. And I didn't feel like dealing with Audrey's attitude."
"And why only me? You could have asked all of us." he asked with a smirk.
"I, uh, well... I just... I... You seemed easier to approach." she stuttered.
'Okay, what the hell! You've jumped on the back of a giant without breaking a sweat. Why are you stuttering in front of a guy. A guy with gorgeous brown eyes, and that smile... Gah! Pull yourself together!' Sophie thought to herself.
"Glad I made a good first impression." he chuckled.
"So, your mom's Snow White?"
"How is it? Like, do people treat you differently?"
"Nah. You just have to deal with the hordes of paparazzi. But most of them just want to know about Ben."
"Me and Ben have been friends ever since I transferred here from the school in Sherwood. The paparazzi just want to know what I can tell them about Ben." she explained.
"Plus, I learned how to fight with my dad and his friend, the Huntsman. I could probably take on a big part of the royal guard."
Ace was impressed. This girl was getting more interesting by the second. She had amazing looks but not the vanity he expected. She was nice to him and his friends and she knew how to fight. She definitely had his attention.
"How is it on the Isle? What do you do, like, for fun?" she asked.
"I'm not sure you would be so interested in talking to me if I told you." Ace answered nervously.
"You lived on an Isle full of villains. I imagine you didn't have much 'normal' fun. I won't think any less of you, regardless of what you did there."
"Well, most of the times it was stealing. Me and Jay formed a team to steal stuff from people." he said.
Sophie was trying to hold in her laughter.
"What?" Ace asked, smiling at her.
"You were worried I'd think badly of you for that? One of my best friends steals stuff all the time. I would never judge you for that. And besides, I'll make sure to show you more ways to have fun." she told him with a smile.
He smiled back, happy that she would talk to him. They stared at each other for a moment, hypnotized by each other's eyes. They were snapped back to reality when the school's bell rang.
"Well, anyway, talk later?"
"Yeah. I'd like that." Sophie answered. They both walked away, a smile on their faces.

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