Chapter 5: Finals...

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"I think you're going to like where we're going. I distinctly recall you saying you love Thai food, as well as Chinese food." I laughed in Rachel's direction.

Her eyes lit up. "You remember my saying that?"

"Of course! It was during our first 'date'." I added the air quotes for emphasis, taking my hands off the wheel for a second.

"I can't wait." She smiled and began to talk about her forthcoming nephew and at how her sister-in-law was constantly complaining about her swollen body parts and the aches and pains that go along with pregnancy. I could only nod, my own sister didn't think I was privy to that information, or just figured I wasn't going to care. Which, she would have been right. I didn't care, at least not about her body problems that came with pregnancy.

Pulling up to the restaurant, I waved my hand in front of me like those models do on The Price is Right to indicate we were here. She leaned forward to get a better look out of the windshield. In bright yellow and green lettering was the name of the restaurant, of course written in Thai. But I think the translation had something to do with a lotus, but that was also based off Mitchell's thinking and Google, something that's not always dependable. I pushed the thought of Mitchell out of my head, I was with Rachel on a real date with a fancy restaurant and she was definitely dressed for it. Her red, deep auburn hair shimmering in the lights and her exquisite navy-blue dress with a plunging neckline and matching heels (what type I don't know, but they added height) just made me forget about Mitchell faster. Her curls bounced as she leaned back to look at me.

"Ready to go in?" I asked. She nodded.

I walked around to her side of the car and opened her door to let her out, offering my hand to her as my mother always taught me to do. The feel of her hand in mine caught at my breath. I didn't want this night to end, ever, and I certainly didn't want to do what I had been doing, well forced to do, anymore. As she turned to walk ahead of me, I shook the thoughts of the past weekend out of my head.

"Table for 2, under Kristiansen." I glanced at Rachel, then turned my attention back to the hostess looking for my name. "It's spelled with a K." I said, figuring she was having troubles finding me based on the confused look on her face when she couldn't see it immediately on the list.

" you are Mr. Kristiansen."

"Doctor." Dammit, it always slips out, especially when talking to new people. I guess you never totally get tired of hearing it, or at least wanting people to say it. Not trying to be smug or anything, but based on the look she gave me, it must have come out that way.

"Sorry, Dr. Kristiansen, follow me please."

Rachel just smiled brightly at the hostess and giggled while placing her arm though mine. Her giggles were intoxicating and the scent of her shampoo (for her hair was basically close enough to my nose) sent shivers down my spine again.

We got to our table, which I had to book well in advance to make sure we got a great table, not to mention pay a little extra for the view, but Rachel was worth every penny. Pulling her chair out, I took the opportunity to glance at her cleavage spilling out from her plunging neckline and pushed her chair in. I then had the sinking feeling that before I sat down, I needed to look around the restaurant for familiar faces, but my apprehension was unwarranted. With an audible sigh, I sat down.

"Is something wrong?" Uneasiness was clearly drawn across her beautiful face.

"Huh? Oh, you mean because I sighed?"

"Yes." Her eyes sparkled in the dim light. I wanted to memorize every feature and every look – I feared that our time was borrowed.

"I was just..." I had to make this seem plausible, hell, reasonable. I had enough time as the waiter handed us our menus and mentioned something about drinks and his name. I was too busy trying to figure out what to say. I wasn't going to tell her about what Mitchell and I were up too, and not about the fact that most of the time when I went out to a place lately I was seeing our boss or one of his favorite goons sitting not too far from me. I wondered if Mitchell had the same problem, I would have to ask him when I saw him on Monday. Right as the waiter left, "I was just thinking at how I don't want our night to end." Cheesy, but just might work.

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